Cyberpunk 2077 - CDProjekt's New Joint

Haha, yeah. My 3080 feels like a space heater under my desk. It’s nice in the winter but beyond that I’m just glad I have my computer in the basement where it tends to stay nice and cool, last year me setup was on the top floor.

I actually replaced my chassis exhaust fan with a Noctua, which helped a surprising amount. The old one was a Fractal fan that came with my case and topped out at 900RPM, the new one goes up to 1500RPM at high temps and evacuates a ton of air even when totally silent at the same 900RPM.

As much as I despise how broken it is, engagement for this really dropped here with the QT3 Hivemind. I wanted to talk lore, story and the genre (in the other thread by @tomchick or the spoilers thread but those haven’t had activity for weeks.

Well I stopped playing for a month while RMAing my 3080. If my GPU hadn’t broken I would have easily finished it in that time. I could finish it quickly now, but I’m doing all the side quests and such first.

Well, I got the game for Xmas but with so much that needs work on it, I’ve decided that I can play something else until they knock it back into shape. There’s no rush, it’s not like I don’t have some huge backlog to spend time on.

I only got about an hour into act 2 and shelved it. Performance with my RTX 2080 wasn’t satisfactory, so I am waiting for game patches and hopefully a RTX3080 before summer. :P

Same lol. I actually got ‘lucky’ that I had to RMA the 3060 (no possible replacement due to stock issues so I got a full refund) because I realized I wasn’t happy with RTX performance.

Once you see it in action it really is hard to go back.

Man I’d just persuaded myself that a 2080S was fine :/

GTX 1080 Ti and Ryzen 7 2700 run it at 60 fps at 1080p and 40-50 fps at 1440p with DF’s settings.

Really? I have a 2070S and it was perfectly fine at 1440p. /shrug

About a week ago I finished it, and about 5 endings.
Plenty of irksome moments w the state of the game code, but I thought it was generally fantastic, and I’m looking forward to expansions, multiplayer, etc.

Without RT, or with DLSS set to performance, most likely. On my 5950X and RTX3080 I get a solid 60fps at 1440p with everything turned on and DLSS quality.

I ran RT and DLSS at I think auto? Didn’t do any benchmarking but it was smooth and never had any issues. Well, with performance at least. The game…it had issues.

I’ve beaten it twice now.

Anyone starting out or still playing interested in a tips thread/post?

Id be interested in your take on game play tips.

Here’s my stream of consciousness verbal diarrhea, i hope it helps someone:

I finished first on easy then on very hard. 20 intelligence and 20 technical the second time with a crafting/quickhacking build.

install Cyber Engine Tweaks and Braindance Protocol for QOL fixes and framerate improvement by disabling async compute (for pre RTX GPU cards) and intro + startup videos to save yourself 1-2 minutes+ each time you start game
you can also expand the number of quick save slots from 5 using Braindance Protocol and give yourself all Legendary crafting recipes since the game is bugged currently and doesn’t offer the vendor sold ones AT ALL or only on first visit

don’t rely on 1-2 saves only, save in multiple slots since missions’ scripting is fucked up on triggering progress or spawning necessary objects or bug out spawning them frequently, you will often have to roll back or restart the game

set dialogue skip to continuous
TAB on mouse/keyboard is like infinite VATS (without the shooting) no need to
disable chromatic aberration, film grain and motion blur

use Digital Foundry’s recommended settings and lower/raise as you are comfortable:
Contact Shadows: On
Improved Facial Lighting Geometry: On
Local Shadow Mesh Quality: High
Local Shadow Quality High
Cascaded Shadows Range: High
Cascaded Shadows Resolution: Medium
Distant Shadows Resolution: High
Volumetric Fog Resolution: 1080p Ultra, 1440p High, 4K Medium
Volumetric Cloud Quality: Medium
Max Dynamic Decals: Ultra
Screen Space Reflections Quality: Low but High if you find the amount of grain distracting.
Subsurface Scattering Quality: High
Ambient Occlusion: Low (there is barely a difference)
Colour Precision: Medium
Mirror Quality: 1080p High. 1440p High, 4K Medium
Level of Detail: High

install the better minimap at ultra if you want a better view of where to turn since the default

difficulty doesn’t affect loot quality only makes enemies bullet spongier and you take more damage (1-2 hit deaths in hard/very hard)
appearance unchangeable after beginning, lifepaths are pointless after 20min except for the odd iconic you get that is non-transferrable and only usable for last hour of game, genitals/boobs don’t matter
you can have enough money/crafting components if you scrap everything until about level 20 or so afterwards if you’re comfortable with your raw materials, sell only purple and green items. legendary and common should still be scrapped, you have to commit to scrapping until you have enough components and then you can start with money. getting the quickhacking/disassemble perks that gift you more components and cash really help get money

unless you want RSI, edit this file for faster crafting: edit \Cyberpunk 2077\r6\config\inputcontexts.xml
hold action=“craft_item” to 0.1
hold action=“disassemble_item” to 0.2 (0.1 is too fast, you can accidentally disassemble by pressing a quick/normal to unequip weapon

protip to avoid accidentally scrapping iconics until there is a favorite function: fill the weapons with the your best quality mods, continually review inventory after each mission/fight and scrap the tiers below (common, uncommon etc.) - scrapping is FUCKING TEDIOUS and took many hours of my 100+ hour playthroughs each

inventory ui is fucking slow and buggy at times, you lose tooltips at times so you don’t know the dps of a gun. sometimes, removing a silencer can fix it. in the vein of silencers, remember it adjusts the dps in the tooltip so you should remove it to compare. DO NOT REPLACE A WEAPON if the DPS is slightly higher as in the long run the difference is peanuts, LOOK AT THE MODIFIERs instead like +crit %

many/most mods are broken/don’t implement properly (this is a running theme) (also see PERKS mostly fucking broken too) if you use the dupe method (which i didn’t) at the drop vending machines, putting two same duped mods together won’t stack

there’s a reddit thread updated continually for each patch about all the non working perks
DON’T SCRAP YOUR ICONICS (which i did with the first freebie gun DYING NIGHT from wilson the gun vendor) you need them to craft higher tier versions
save crafting upgrade until close to when you want to use it (ie if you get a common/rare gun at low level and think you want to use it LATER at a higher level, or as close to 50/when you want to end up) as it resets/upgrades to it if you’ve upgraded its specs without upping its tier
upgrading weapon/clothes isn’t worth the doubling component cost: ie if you get something at level 50, most items will be at level 50 dmg/armor with 1 level of upgrade available. if you had upped its tier before level 50 say at level 40 you will have a ton of upgrading to do to reach

put 1 pt in cold blood even if you don’t plan on stealthing, it procs quickly and levels up and helps

if you are about to do the endgame point of no return (Nocturne) mission and have comfortably maxed out (not necessarily level 50) make sure you max out your skill xp under each to avoid missing out on any perks as you get them for leveling up in xp for that skill

there’s a ripperdoc early on (at the first place it drops you in kabuki roundabout market) northeast of here actually that has a side gig (SPOILER: unlocks at street cred 3-5 or so) that will result in 20% off his rates if you do the gig via the side/back door and blackmail him. this adds up for the double-jump leg cyberware and 20% off the 100k eddy perk respec chip (you can’t respec attributes) plus gorilla arms

braindance protocol lets you reset all attributes along with perks though

skip the damned difficulty “beat the brat” quests unless you plan to cheat or have melee spec, they’re overly-difficult

lethal or non lethal only has payoff in a handful (<5) missions even where it says stealth is optional. the npc voiceover/text will 99% treat it as successfully non-lethal if you massacred everyone

double-dip in XP by killing non-lethally then shooting them in the head after for bonus xp and street cred. they’re still alive if your crosshair is RED still. saving/loading/zoning out of area will “deadify” all bodies so you can’t do this after reloading a save with formerly live bodies

i couldn’t raise engineering fast enough and it was too damn slow until i figured out you can ‘turn off’ cameras, some ceiling fans, reconnect some electrical panels, up-close disarm mines (remote disable ups xp for uh quickhacking or breach technical not engineering) do grenade damage (which i never did)

healthkits are weightless, grenades are not. you will be crafting THOUSANDS of purple healthkits later for dismantling to make legendary and epic components
so check BOOZE and GRENADES for weight. so many fucking varieties of food and booze with all same effect, i scrapped them all and never used for buffs except the health vaporizors or special timed kits that boost carrying/stamina etc. SORT YOUR CONSUMABLES BY WEIGHT

car, bike and apt stash aren’t linked or are buggy in this current implementation

if an enemy does damage (like grenades) to cops, they will aggro you if you started combat. this is fucking stupid inline with the no-assed police system. if you damage (more than 1 stray shot)/kill any civilian in a crowd of enemy mobs, the police will magically transport to you.

raising athletics is mind-numbingly fucking slow and tedious use this exploit as explained to @jpinard earlier thread to max it out in a few minutes instead of getting it to 5-6 in 100 hours:

otherwise, as long as the attribute skill for that stat isn’t max, always be doing what you want to raise: melee, blades, quickhacking, breach protocol (meaning using DISTRACT ENEMIES constantly on vending machines and everything) to level XP for them

hack every one of those panels. i hated the minigame and never did them the first playthru until i found out how much money/quickcomponents i was missing out on–you can plan out successful routes by looking at the arrangement, timer doesn’t start UNTIL you click the first

your stealth will break if you are hacking thru a camera and another camera spots…the camera you are hacking through. this is stupid.

time has no meaning even with the biochip killing you. just pass 24 hours to refresh vendor inventory + money with the exception of 1-2 missions max which are time sensitive (responding to best girl’s urgent calls to the nomad camp within 24 hours or getting to your neighbor barry within a couple of hours HAPPY TOGETHER mission)

if you skill up to 20 intelligence and unlock legendary quickhacks, legendary ping lets you hack through walls and you can facehug a wall outside and kill everything with contagion without them spotting you. counts as stealthy!

unlocking mass vulnerability (not mass vuln resistances) (3 min then 5min then no limit timer) results in free 30% debuff to all enemies and feels like cheating, as long as you do the breach protocol for it (make sure it’s the 1st, 2nd or 3rd)

i didn’t know until my 2nd playthrough that ripperdocs have a trade tab that sells cyberware mods
YOU CAN ALSO accidentally buy duplicate cyberware (denoted by small blue “OWNED” easily missed) and there’s no way to sell it

make sure you know your limits for max ammo for each weapon type so you don’t waste time crafting ammo (always craft ammo if you need to top up, don’t buy it) over, they just disappear
crafting armor/weapon mod quality is a random consequence of the lowest/gray level recipe once you unlock that level of crafting perk (ie if you haven’t bought the perk to unlock rare/epic/legendary items you won’t ever proc a mod of that quality)

loot fallen under brush/tree or too low/high on ground iss unlootable


commando in stealth: useless since there is nowhere in game underwater where you need stealth
hidden dragon in stealth - i used this ONCE since you have to manually aim and time unlike in Deus Ex Human Revolution
human shield in athletics -bonus armor during grappling is useless and there is no ability to use enemy as shield
dagger dealer in stealth - useless skill since it was never implemented properly–you LOSE the fucking knife and you have to manually refill the 3 weapon slots each time
extended network interface in breach protocol: it’s mostly useless since they are usually easily spotted but i was lazy and took this to see them through walls/floors

that crafting perk that auto scraps junk: it will destroy those rarer items that sell for 750 eddies, which you need to build up cash flow at the beginning

Garbage Picker Simulator 2077 is so fucking inconsistent with the basic premise of the game. So much off-center unlootable stuff due to placement or if it falls through the floor or under some other object/texture.

The “scan” feature doesn’t always highlight stuff too, just better to run around waving your cursor until a lootable tooltip appears if you are insistent on getting every bit of junk. The cards in the car wreck in the prologue mission parking lot is an example of the first unlootable item. I wasted an hour on that.

Other times, you have t o wait until an NPC moves or jump on a higher level and look down.

also since you can’t SELL cyberware, save up for the highest tier you plan to get. if you start with rare and there are epic and legendary for sale and you’re relatively close in eddies, save up for legendary.

if you save scum, it resets enemy placement.

I just finished last night. Here are my random tips:

Early in the game, status effect on weapon is more important than base damage. 15% chance for poison or fire is better than 15% higher base damage.

The two main mods to craft are Armadillo for clothing and Crunch for Weapons. Because mods are broken, the increase armor/damage the mod displays is incorrect. A white Armadillo shows +10 armor, it is more like +130 armor. It works the same for Crunch. I am not sure if this is tied to the crafting tree but I noticed that if I craft a bunch (10) Armadillo/Crunch mods I will get about 2-3 that are purple quality and and few blues, etc. I don’t know if it is merging them or a random skill check. This is nice because the component cost is always white/green.

Reflex perks are not necessary for a gun build. I ended the game with zero points in assault and was melting enemies on hard with a G-58 DIAN. The +3% damage boosts are not needed. If you want to slow time - Max Payne style, then you will need to heavily invest in the Reflex skill for the cyberware requirements.

Cool is not necessary. There are no cool skill checks and enemies cannot see anything other than the small cone in front of them rendering the stealth perks useless.

If stealth is your thing, the quick hack “System Reset” will knock out an enemy from a distance. It kind of breaks stealth sections.

Pick a weapon with high +headshot damage for your silenced weapon. Usually a revolver of some kind.

1 pt in cold blood is useful generally though.
to keep track of laptops you’ve used, i shut the lid. there are only a handful that start closed, like the one in all foods.