Cyberpunk 2077 - CDProjekt's New Joint

Keyboarding was the one and only class I got 100% in.

Anyways, Cyberpunk 2077 is a mess of 100s of unrelated ideas and systems, partially or unimplemented.


How WASD became the standard PC control scheme | PC Gamer

I have heard that ESDF is slightly superior, at least for games like WoW. But I’m too lazy to switch at this point.

was the other one i used in 1.06 but i don’t believe either of these have been updated for 1.10/1.11

For example: out of nowhere the “clear shelf” mechanic to hack, mid-game used once or twice and never again. Also outfits.

I started a list of bugs and it depressing whenever I hit 100+ so I gave up

Can anyone who’s played both Watchdogs Legion and Cyberpunk comment on how WD handled its crowd NPCs?

Ty Rei – you are a godsend.

I guess I’d need to know what difference you’re looking for. WDL has crowds. They walk around, get into conversations, get into fist fights, cross streets, bump into you, flee from gunfire and cars, etc. Nothing special.

From the reviews the uniqueness of each random person that you can “play as anybody” was neat but superficial and it boiled down to only a few distinguishing combat abilities and hacking? They at least have routines though?

Good news on the Delamain quest folks - now in 1.11 he calls and I can answer! Bad news is whatever cab you’re near, then when he calls you it’s about one of the other cabs, and the one you’re near still won’t activate. Shesus.

At this point I’m just going to wait for the first big content patch. I’ve still got a ton of stuff to play from last year, let alone the stuff coming out this year.

Yup. All of the above. The “play as anybody” concept sounded cool, but in practice the only differences between people are some minor abilities and maybe a special gadget you can’t get any other way like a spy will come with a silenced pistol, or a beekeeper comes with robot bee drone swarm. Unfortunately, this makes everyone in WDL pretty dull and very obviously procedurally generated.

They do have schedules and they have dynamic interactions with traffic, the environment, and each other, so they are a step ahead of Cyberpunk 2077’s crowds.

Christ. 1.06 appears to be less buggy as I was able to 100% complete the game on it. 1.10 has broken a couple things so far.

Cyberpunk citizens only cower and run away. That’s all. Are there other NPC reactions in WD?

I won’t start on the non-existent Police system. I aggroed them for a gang member’s grenade doing damage to them.

The one thing that annoys me with this game is their made up? word “choomba”. It feels so forced and unnatural. I cringe ever time it’s uttered.

Yeah, they act a lot more believably, getting ticked at you for your driving, chasing you if you hit them sometimes, stuff like that.

I don’t hate Cyberpunk. I hate Anthem. Both are incomplete and massively disappointing.

Also, visually stunning.

I am almost level 50 and wanted to try the secret ending to see if all the iconics are granted (from the other endings too) in the post-credit save.

Cyberpunk isn’t much of an open-world game, but I do enjoy the combat and the graphics are at a level where I repeatedly sit back and say to myself, out loud, “Goddamn, this is one good-looking game.” I can’t remember the last time that happened. Probably Far Cry 1, or Crysis.

It’s great in the winter, we’re in a polar vortex now and that 3080 running at full blast keeps my legs nice and toasty.

Here’s some stupidity in a sea of endless broken and unfinished systems in this game:

The iconic weapons you get/earn after the point of no return (Nocturne) aren’t kept in the after-credits save it creates for you. So stupid. Plus you get them at low level stats even if you are level 50 and would have to waste thousands of crafting components to upgrade.

The thing you DO get to keep (like a legendary nomad jacket) has its # or mod slots retooled each time you load that save. So if you finished the game and you got a 3 mod slot nomad jacket) it might 0-4 later on.

The most frustrating thing perhaps about this game is how it hovers on the edge of greatness but at the last minute gets cold feet and instead of leaping to glory, squats down and drops a deuce.