Cyberpunk 2077 - CDProjekt's New Joint

Which in this game would have been really neat I think. The game presents you as this street mercenary and has this whole façade of doing missions, but there is really no sense of being an operator hustling for gigs. Hell, they throw the stuff at you whether you want it or not. I’d love it if the game focused more on the street business dynamics. It’s clear though that the design is much more narrative focused than open-world, emergent gameplay focused. Which is fine, but again, Chekov’s gun.

So, now I have my PS5 in house. I was really itching to finally play CP on it, but glancing at this thread now and then has killed that joy a bit.
I wonder if I’m better off waiting at a better upgrade / patch for PS5, or is it worth starting it now?

Still crashes a fair bit on PS5 according to my close friend who has it. Roughly every 2 hours now on top of the bugs. Let’s see what 1.2 promised by end of February yields.

Oh fuck this thread and the horse it rode in on. Get in this game, you’re gonna love it! It reads like a sewer of hate and shit, but actually its people putting in hundreds of hours and chafing on rough edges in a new game.

Yeah, I have to recommend it for the sheer fun of it–if you are on a PC at least. Can’t comment on consoles. I think I got at least my money’s worth at full price. Despite all my carping, this game is addictively fun if you get your head in the right space.

And part of that space, with a decent PC, is just looking around at the city sometimes.

This thread felt quite positive to me overall. Not that I’m not still waiting, mind you, but the thread overall has given me a positive view of the current game than the internet memes at large.

Hey, respect Roach! Roach was a cool horse. And less bugged than CP 2077.

The rough edges in this one are a little rougher than average. Perhaps because of expectations.

Seriously though, I played the game for 10+ hours and I was having fun. I uninstalled because I was afraid of bugs spoiling my enjoyment of it, and some bugs did suggest that could be the case. I want to play this game at the best it can be, so I’m saving it for later. That’s pretty much it.

I’ll wait til the end of february and see what happens :)

Yeah I don’t hate CP2077 which is unusual with the object of my posts.

I’m personally a little salty only because of what it could have been.

As it stands, it’s still a pretty solid game out of the gate.

I wouldn’t describe it as finished, solid, stable or exceptional but I will give it credit for running.

This video from CDPR isn’t as funny as it was before CP2077.

Their bug creation department has been busy… ;)

I finally picked this up overnight as I was anticipating the end of Feb patch and hoping 3060s will be available by then as well. Had to try it out and it so far runs great on my 2060, but then again I am not personally FPS sensitive and anything close to 30 or above looks pretty much the same to me.

My only issue so far is with actually the gun reticles. Can’t really follow them as they move around (muzzle jump, etc.) when firing since once I have aimed I am then more focused on what my target is doing and not my reticle. Just wondering if there is another reticle option or if they change (ie. improve) with later weapons?


Depends on the gun, and you have a selection of sight mods that have different reticles. You can swap sights on and off unlike other mods so I’d suggest fiddling about with them.

I would expect a 2060 non-Super to run CP2077 just fine with DLSS at 1080p. Maybe even 1440p at DLSS performance. Not at locked 60fps though, and no ray-tracing.

Thank goodness… the initial reticles are harsh for me to deal with.

When is that big new patch supposed to drop? Soon?

Ha! I am running 4k w/RT (the lowest setting) atm.

Like I said, I’m taking it slow (as I can) 'cause I’m hopeful for another patch and a 3060.

I also noticed one other thing: A character in the border crossing area spoke but their face did not animate the speaking. I noticed that same type of behavior in Valhalla near the end and thought it was likely a game engine glitch. But could it be that I’m asking too much of my video card?