Cyberpunk 2077 - CDProjekt's New Joint

Hacking very quickly breaks the game. Somewhere in the middle of the game, as the start of each encounter it was simply the people version of “delete”.

Hacking seems like an appropriate skill to break a game. It’s very meta!

The guns are fun though. The boom of a big handgun and the crazy smart sniper rifle were just great IMO.

Are there some strong, non-hacking builds out there?

I just picked up this game for Xbox One to play on the Series X thanks to the recent $10 price at Best Buy. What kind of install size are we looking at?

Sure, pretty much every build is viable, even melee. Hacking is just ridiculously overpowered.

It’s 60GB on the PC, I’m guessing it would be similar on Xbox.

What’s the TLDR of if this game is worth current sale price of $40?

Hacking was nerfed in 1.3. Pretty sure some (or all?) enemies will now be alerted, and you can only hack through objects, not walls anymore. I haven’t tried 1.3 but I know at least some part of these nerfs are only on higher difficulty levels. In general higher difficulty settings makes enemies become alert much more easily, so you can’t just slowly hack an entire building.

I saw that some people were super mad about it on the game forums but it was a completely justified nerf. People can turn down the difficulty if they want to trivialize every other system in the game.

I haven’t seen this. I was able to hack and kill everyone in a warehouse via contagion as normal.

It’s still really good as far as I know. But pre 1.3 once you maxed it out, it was ‘destroy a whole building of enemies with one button.’ good. And the Legendary passive now lets you hack through objects but not walls, so you have to get closer. There’s actually a reason to hack cameras now!

I would say it depends on 1) what your expectations are and 2) what platform you are playing on.

I thought it was fun, but I didn’t come in with a lot of expectations. From what I hear, the last generation console implementations are still quite bad. So unless you have a high end PC or a Series X | S, I wouldn’t recommend it. IIRC from the last Digital Foundry evaluation PS5 plays okay, but crowd density is much lower than PC or Series X | S.

I am enjoying it. The open world is kind of half-baked, it kind of seems like GTA or something at first but it’s not really all there. And that’s where all the most famous flaws lie, like the infamous police teleporting or whatever. I think they would have been better off structuring the game like Deus Ex, a series of distinct but detailed smaller maps. I don’t need to be chased by the police in my single player RPG.

3060 Ti, so I think that’ll do pretty well with it.

Thanks for the feedback!

but isn’t that a good thing to have hacking OP in a cyberpunk world? Of course, the opponents should have means to counter attack, otherwise it’s like using a cheatcode.

My very short review.

  1. The world is beautiful and interesting to explore.
  2. The game is still full of annoying bugs. Who knows when, if ever, they will be all fixed.
  3. The perk tress are mostly garbage. My biggest gripe is that for guns, there is a pistol tree, an assault tree, and shotgun / assault rifle tree, etc… The perks in them are very bland and very much the same kind of thing only it will affect the particular weapon group the perk is tired too. This is kind of a pet-peeve of mine. I think it is very lazy design.
  4. The main stats range from fairly useless (other than qualifying for perks) to really good.
  5. Overall the game needs a serious re-work in game mechanics, which I doubt will ever happen unless its done by a modder. For example the cool star gives you 0.5% stealth which is totally worthless. There is no way to make a super stealthy character. In other words, someone with 20 “cool” is only ever so slightly more stealthy than someone with a base value of 3 in cool. The perks need a total overhaul, etc…

If your bored, go ahead and buy it, but the longer you wait, the cheaper and presumably better the game will be.

My whishes for the future of the game are:

  1. And ending where V lives happily ever after.

  2. In chapter one, you have a special heist you go on with a lot of setup. I would like to see some DLC that adds like 20+ of these heists to the game.

If anyone could actually make a hacking system for a game like this that is both entertaining, accessible, and quick enough not to break the flow entirely, sure. But pretty much every attempt to simulate cyberpunk-style console cowboy stuff a la Gibson’s books has fallen flat. And no one really wants a game where you have to, say, actually use a hex editor or Python scripting in the middle of your shooter RPG I am thinking. You end up with word or pattern-matching games, some version of Pipeline, or the weirdness that was cyberspace in the original System Shock.

In the cyberpunk lore (that’s cyberpunk small “c,” not the specific RPG word used in the CDPR game), there are definitely hierarchies of matrix jockeys, ranging from tyros and wannabes to real legends, who may sometimes even linger on in the 'net The difference of ability between the two extremes is, well, extreme, and only at the latter end would so-called hacking be OP. And as you note, you need countermeasures to make any of this meaningful. ICE is really big deal in cyberpunk lore, and in this game it’s pretty much non-existent.

Yes! Could make them wide open, multiple paths, etc. Would have flowed so much better and still have all the “atmosphere” of a big city while still having distinct maps.

I would buy that but I’m an easy mark.