Dark Souls 2 PC

To be fair, most people would read a thread about an unreleased game expecting it to be spoiler free. And I certainly count the information you provided as a spoiler.

I liked the Giantbomb video but I wouldn’t recommend to watch it if you are sensitive about spoilers - it spoils a lot of early game stuff.

Loading times alone will it make it a much more enjoyable game on PC. On PS3, it’s pain in the butt to change areas or to play online because it involves a lot of starring at the loading screen. Online especially, you want to do some co-op, get into someone’s game, the host gets killed, you go back to your game. All and all, you are looking at the loading screen for like a minute. Having under 5 seconds loading times is literally liberating.

Graphics on PC are much better but it’s kind of secondary to me. 60 fps should make fighting more smooth and responsive.

Also good news is that Giantbomb guys say the game is perfectly playable out of the box, no mods required. Lots of graphics options, all keyboard keys can be remapped, native 1080 resolution (not sure about other resolutions).

After watching that video, I don’t feel like playing the PS3 version anymore. :( 2 more weeks.

Just browsing around Steam forums this morning while home with the kids. Noticed a rumor that this has been delayed until May 2nd according to some distributors, like Amazon.co.uk and GameKeysNow. Some of the news sites picked it up, but that doesn’t mean anything these days. Nothing official yet.

It seems like the delay is only affecting the EU market (for now). Odd. I suppose worst case scenario, it’s only a one week delay. I wonder what the cause might be, if true?

According to Eurogamer it’s a manufacturing issue with the boxed version in the UK:

Seems like digital release is unaffected.

My sincere apologies to our friends in the UK who ordered boxed copies.

Just kidding, suckers! I’ll be living it up a week from Friday! WOO

On a related note, Steam shows a midnight PST time. It’s been a while since I’ve paid attention to Steam release day practices, so I don’t know how reliable that is.

I have yet to see Steam related a specific date/countdown and not be accurate, at least not since the early days of Steam. In other words, you can probably rely on it.

Any deals on this currently or is it $49.99 everywhere?

Got mine @ GMG for $40 a few weeks ago, they currently have a 20% voucher that should work: O3H7FE-D4NFO0-F0LIGK

Gamefly has a 20% off coupon, APR20OFF. I don’t know if it works with DS2.

Thanks, guys. GMG code doesn’t seem to work for DS2 and Gamefly doesn’t sell the PC version, sadly. I’ll keep poking around. Appreciate the help.

I just used the gmg code lordkosc posted on DS2 EU version, worked fine. Maybe it’s region locked?

Pretty sure the only country being locked out is Japan. You can get it from Nuuvem for under $40. After that it’s DLGamer for $42.50.

edit: Greenman voucher is working here in AU as well.

Also preload is meant to be happening 21/4.

Preloading now available, at least in the EST time zone. Also, my key was finally released by GMG, so if you’ve been waiting for that too, there it is. The long long wait is nearly over! Now for the short long wait…

Yep, I was also able to get it just now for $40 from GMG. Thanks for the code.

Though it’s kind of a cruel scheduling joke that my two most anticipated games of 2014 (DS2-PC and Hex) are arriving in the same week.

I have the entirety of Friday off for this.

Praise the Sun!

Huh. I wonder what I did wrong. I’ll give it another shot.

Edit: worked for me this time. :)

Still trying to figure out how to swing this. Might need to work a half day and stay out of this thread since you guys will probably beat it in 3 hours.