Dave Long Happy Fun Thread: Third Parties Hate The Wii

Gamasutra says so, anyway.

To save everyone time, I’ll recap the thread before it starts:

Dave Long: The Wii is still the biggest seller ever by far, and Nintendo is the only one who needs to make any money.
Everyone else: The Wii is a d0m3d fad!!!

There. That was less painful than what’s actually about to happen.

Edit: Sigh. I had second thoughts and actually decided to delete this whole post, because we’ve been down this road before. Unfortunately the “delete” button had timed out, or maybe you can’t delete OPs. In any case, please feel free to not reply.

Or more likely…

Well it’s in the title so that ship has sailed.

the wii is d0m3d!


Wow this board is getting bitchy. Threads calling folks out by name abound, even devs who haven’t posted here in like over a year.

In before RepoMan gets a temp ban for being mean to Dave Long!

Pretty sure Capcom bitched about Okami’s sales on the PS2 too, whining about how the PS2 had too many games. And they’re bitching about Western devs too, saying how no one bought Bionic Commando.

However, I know the real reason behind Capcom’s woes and I would like to share it with them. Capcom, you haven’t make a good game since Dead Rising. STOP. MAKING. SHIT. GAMES.

But Chris Kramer, Capcom senior director of communications and community, said even though “it was one of the highest-rated Wii games and was beloved by the media, it sold abysmally – about 120,000 units in 26 months – for no apparent reason.”

The reason was pretty apparent to me: reviewers are overly enamored of Japanese-ness.

Zak and Wiki was never, ever going to sell gangbusters and Capcom was kidding itself if it thought it was a potential million-seller. The game was obscure, child-unfriendly despite its anime-styled graphics, prone to extreme difficulty spikes, and had a bad name.

Really, Capcom? What other puzzle games have sold great? You know, those games that you were benchmarking the sales predictions against? Yeah, I thought so.

And I liked the game.

Capcom release monster hunter tri on wii, the sales on it was fairly disappointing in Japan compare to PSP versions.

Monster hunter is a major franchise in Japan too.

Monster hunter 2nd G sold around 3.5m in about a year, and Monster hunter tri sold a little less than a million in comparison.

Monster Hunter Tri sold 520,000 on the first day of release in Japan and Wii sales tripled that day. You’re basically lying.

  1. Monster Hunter 3 (tri):

Release Date: 8/1/09.
2009 Sales: 949,095.
Life-to-date: 949,095.


Didn’t they also introduce a new pay-for-play online model with that version?

Truly, he is lying, for 949,095 is not a little less than a million.

And yet it still didn’t come close to the success the same franchise had on the PSP, which is actually the point of the comments made on it. I believe Konami currently expects to sell more copies of Silent Hill: Shattered Memories on the PSP, as well, which is insane.

You with your facts and reading comprehension! Fie on thee!

Well, he’s basically reading.

Well, the PSP has almost as much units in the wild as the Wii. But the difference is that people who buy PSPs actually want to play games.

What we can take away from this, is that the PSP’s notorious piracy issues are less of a problem than the Wii’s audience.

Dave Long’s stances on Nintendo related things are beginning to reach “cliffski on piracy” levels of ridiculousness. Did you really just miss the point completely, accuse someone of lying, and then prove them right in the same post?

I was gonna post 940k but then I was scared Dave was gonna dive through my screen and choke me, because I lied about the 9,049 missing copies.

so instead I used less than million since it sounds better than 940k.

Yep. I loved Zak and Wiki, but my efforts to pimp it to my friends pretty much completely failed. Nobody was interested in it at all, and all of the conversations had basically the same “Isn’t that a kids’ game?” / “Oh, it’s just a puzzle game? No thanks.” pattern.

He edited his post to include the information on 2nd G. And 2nd G was the second game on PSP, released two years before Tri IIRC. The franchise hit its stride on portable systems and was the only thing people bought for PSP in Japan for a time. The PSP was the “Monster Hunter System” there.

Capcom has never intimated that they were at all unsatisfied with the 8th best selling game of 2009 in Japan, otherwise known as Monster Hunter Tri. He’s twisting the truth, otherwise known as lying.

This is the only board where people are interpreting Capcom’s success with Monster Hunter Tri on Wii as some kind of problem. But that’s completely expected with this place anymore.