Dead of Winter - Forum Game Edition 9001

Okay fellow survivors - post here if you want in on the next game. I think Gedd, Josemas, and Scott have all shown interest from the last game.

I’m in.

Yes, I’m in. We going to redraw the team mission? Thanks again for doing this.

Yeah, OK, I’m in


Okay just waiting to hear from ShivaX but I’ll roll a new game tonight and send out characters.

Do you all want to attempt the same objective, or do you want me to pick another at random?

I’ll likely be too busy, unless it ends immediately again. Someone else take a shot at the title!

I’m up for random.

Random works for me also.

Okay i’ve got the scenario ready and i’m set to send out the character choices. I’ll give another hour or so to see if we get a fifth.

Give it some more time, I’m sure a fifth will arrive (also don’t mind me, just my way of flagging the thread so I see it)

Ha yeah actually there’s no rush, let’s give it a day

Just a bump to see if there’s any interest, still one spot open!

Okay it looks like it’ll just be the four of you this time, so our players are:

Scott Dobros
Jason McMaster

Here is your main objective:

And here are your character options, go ahead and post in this thread which 2 you are keeping and which survivor will be your leader.

Scott Dobros

Jason McMaster



Here is the starting board, there are 12 zombies at the colony (2 at each entrance) and 1 zombie at each location. Your morale is at 6 and you have 6 rounds to win.

I’ll take Ashley and Sparky.

Cho and Brown for me.

I’ll take Sophie Robinson and Bev Russell.