Deadpool 3 - 9/6/2024

RR is just a genius at marketing the Deadpool films. Hyped.

And as for the MCU, not sure why people think this will mean anything. Something, something, multiverse shenanigans, and it’ll (maybe) end with Deadpool stranded in the MCU.

More interestingly, will they properly reverse the fridging of Vanessa (the one bad part of D2).

That teaser is perfect.


Ok that was good. Lets hope this is better than Deadpool 2. And has like 100% more Morena Baccarin in it.

Oh the one hand, I take exception to saying D2 was bad, but on the other you are obviously a man of taste because Morena is just stupid cool AND double stupid hot.

Is Krasinski perhaps directing?

Somebody left the theater early!

Actors giving away the entire plot now, bastids!

Hey lipreaders, your time to shine is NOW.

Why we can’t have nice things.

Hm, no link preview. Here’s an image.


Just clickbait, no surprise.

James Mangold doesn’t mind.

Nope - that’s why I said properly. Not convinced that one should put too much store in those post-credits scenes.

These “this exists and invalidates a thing I already love!” takes will never not frustrate me. Fans like this is the actual slap in the face.

Anyway, came here to post something cool!

Are people actually freaking out because Logan died in Logan?

Old man Logan took place on Earth-807128.

If nerds are going to get upset about comics, at least do your research!

Thank you - this take is driving me fucking batshit, from “fans”.

No. They are not. If you led to believe this is an actual ‘take’ I’d argue you’re far too online and need to go take a walk outside and remember back in the mists of time when the few dozen insane fan hot-takes were hidden in the flashing gif hellscape of geo-cities. And not splashed across the U-tubes or Twitch-Tocks of today in all their click-baity gas-lighting glory.

Seriously though. Even a casual who watched Logan would understand that it took place in the future. One future of many now that the multiverse is officially a thing. I just don’t see how anyone can earnestly believe having Wolverine in a Deadpool comedy is a problem.

The thing is, Old Man Logan wasn’t just “the future”.

It was the future of a different version of Earth, where the villains ultimately win and fuck up the planet. I seem to recall that the western US is ruled by some crazy messed up version of the Hulk or something.

I always considered Logan it’s own thing really. The other two Wolverine films were mostly ignored and I don’t think anything from them was brought into the main X-Men films. Hadn’t X-Men already done the Days of Future Past which screws with timelines anyway? That Wolvie can’t be in Deadpool due to Logan is such a bizarre thought I just don’t think more than a few people actually have an issue with it.

Are you just talking about the comic? Because the movie Logan was only barely influenced by the Old Man Logan comics.