DEATHLOOP by Arkane Lyon

This is reminding me of E.Y.E.: Divine Cybermancy more than anything else, with the mishmash of guns and psychic powers, the forced replaying of the same maps and encounters over and over again, and the feeling that it’s a single-player version of a multiplayer game. Perhaps not coincidentally, both games are by French developers.

Gone gold? Welcome back to 2003.

Somewhere , physical disks are still being made!

I better load my mouse driver into high memory to squeeze out a few extra k for this game!

That is weird. Not due out til Sep 14.

After 2 delays, it was originally a 2020 game, delayed to May 2021, then pushed to September.

Well, they are French, presumably they’re taking August off.

That’s actually a good idea. I always imagined that after a long project is finally over, people at the studio usually want to finally go on that well deserved vacation. But then the game launches, and there’s fires to be put out, updates and patches to push out as quickly as possible, etc. So go gold, and go on vacation. Then come back and launch the game, and have your team ready to go for the launch, freshly renewed from your vacation.

Seriously it looks like Dishonored 2 meets the year 1970.

This is a fun article. Read if you dare.

I didn’t read it!

$47 at GMG, Steam key. Must login to see the discount.

I saw some speculation online suggesting that Bethesda reverting back to selling Steam keys on sites like GMG, which is something they haven’t done since the New Colossus launched, suggests they might be sunsetting Bethesda net. Do you guys think this take is too premature or is there something to it?

Microsoft is likely to shut down and move all digital licenses to the Windows store. That said, you’d think MS would prefer to have people own games in the Windows store to Steam, so the reasoning doesn’t completely add up.

To this day I don’t know how GMG makes money. How do you discount a AAA game preorder? They aren’t grey market keys, GMG is supposedly legit. And yet it’s the same price as, which is certainly not kosher.

By taking a smaller cut than Valve? Microsoft will make about $40 from the $60 sale on Steam. They’re probably happy to sell keys to GMG at that price in bulk, and it’ll still leave GMG a healthy margin at $48 given they’re not providing any kind of actual value.

This is supposed to be against Steam’s publisher agreement, but it does not look like a term that’s ever actually been enforced.

I can’t imagine why Steam would permit that, but I suppose it’s possible.

It is exactly as jsnell writes. And in fact if Steam abandons the 30% cut for e.g. 12% cut, it will mean the end of cheaper games at launch for us on third party websites.