Deep Rock Galactic (now out of early access!)

Christmas event is going on, claim your hats and do the special easy assignment for phat lootz.

Also the road to 1.0…

Oh, I came to post it now! :P

I’m glad they’re reworking Perks. I get they weren’t supposed to be major things, but damn… they were mostly so inconsequential as to be pointless.

Played a few rounds tonight, solo is awesome with bosco, also the 2 public games I joined were newb friendly.

I really wish you could get bosco with a 2 player team.

Horrible way to start the new year!

LOL. I think I will come back to the game with the next update.

I am on tonight if anyone wants to co-ops.

Had a good run with some randoms tonight, I’d bump the difficulty up if people used mic’s. :P

Anyone up for a deep dive? I’ll be around most of the night.

Are there any significant downsides to this game with only 2 players? L4D2 is one of my all-time favorites but it wasn’t something you’d want to drag bots through on higher difficulties.

2 players will struggle on maps with harder terrain and or high difficulty.

4 player teams are like a well oiled machine.

I love that randoms can drop in on existing missions, helps a ton.

Oh wow, really? That’s awesome.

Yep just set your mission to public.

In principle it scales, there are no bots. In practice, as LK suggests above, the scaling is a bit lackluster on the higher difficulties.

I find this trend toward 4 player (and not one less!) co-op very frustrating. That bots have mysteriously gotten worse for the last 15 years (when they’re available at all) doesn’t help.

Difficulty scale with player number, in addition of having 5 difficulties.

Did they add female dwarves yet?

Everyone know dwarves are born out of a mix of beer, minerals and explosives, silly. Female dwarves are fake news.

Thanks. I think I’ll wait for 1.0 since it doesn’t seem too far off, but this looks like a fun game with short mission times.