Deity Empires

Is there a way to increase mediation and battle mana other than casting those spells which take time and only increase it by 1?

CS, do you change the max battle and dungeon turn limit to beyond 50? I never seem to get more than 2 or 3 levels in a dungeon.

Maybe this is already known, but you can bring up a unit’s info in a battle and dungeons by double right clicking on it. Don’t know why it’s not just a right click.

Oh! Good tip on bringing up a unit’s info in battle. That was bugging me!

I have a spell that I can cast that extends the round limit. I haven’t tried it, though. I made it through 3 dungeon levels and also noticed I wasn’t going to make it much further. I had one of my warriors get roasted by a red dragon, but left him dead as I got a decent haul and could just build another. I really didn’t want to load from before the start of that dungeon run. The xp loss hurts a little, though, but he was only level 3 so not too big of a deal most likely.

Interesting, didn’t know there was a spell to extend turn limit. Maybe it’s best to make a beeline for the stairs and go down a few levels and fight it out.

I started my second game, this time on hard. I’m playing the dwarves with the musket hero, can’t recall his name. It seems that lairs are tougher now even though I didn’t raise lair difficulty. There are lairs of strength lower than my army with a dragon that just wipes me. I think CS is right in starting with a materialized deity. You only get 3 starting units, so either you waste precious build time and make units or cherry pick weak lairs and still take damage and have to heal or wait a few turns.

I am seriously addicted to this game. Played a bunch this long weekend at the expense of other games I wanted to play too.

There’s only a few ways. you can pick ‘Battle Caster’ and ‘Meditator’ as deity abilities at the beginning of a new game.

Battle Caster starts you with 50% more battle mana and reduces the cost to increase it by 15%. It also reduces the cost of casting battle spells by 15%.

Meditator starts you with 50% more meditation and reduces the cost to increase it by 15%. Also whenever you increase your meditation by 1 point, it gives you a 15% chance to increase it by another point for free.

Or, if you want to jump into the games settings, you can make changes to the defaults in the game_settings.txt file in the main game directory. Here’s what I changed mine to there:

starting_battle_mana = 30
starting_meditation = 40

There’s a standard spell (you don’t have to research it) to extend the combat timer. You can cast it multiple times as long as you still have battle mana.

It was a right click until recently changed in an update and you can change it right back to a single right click to select units in the in-game settings. Just check the ‘Single click to view units’ at the bottom of the settings. The reason they changed it was:

Sometimes after completing moving/attacking with a unit, a user would quickly right-click to select another unit. But if this unit was the next unit auto-selected by the game to be the active unit, then the Unit Info screen would pop-up without it being the intent of the user.

I don’t know, I think the below Dominions unit art looks considerably more amateurish than the DE units.

I never waste soul gems on tier one units like common warriors. They’re easily replaced, especially at level 3 which is nothing. Now if he was level 20, I might possible use a soul gem to make him a core unit. I’d think about it at least.

Thanks for the AI and speed up notes. yeah its just the tactical AI is so bad its painful to watch in dungeons as it just strolls by gold and has no idea what to do with new levels.

Thanks for the info CS! I did update the starting mana as you suggested a few days ago.

Are you by any chance not opted into the beta? The latest 1.1.47 update just added the below last week:

• Auto Battle (AI): units will attempt to pickup treasure in dungeons once all enemies have been defeated.

Oh wow. Thank you! No I hadnt. this is very good news :)

Is there MP?

And a list of all the races?

No MP. There’s a Japanese Wiki that lists the races. I use Chrome to translate.

New patch just dropped. Lots of additions, bug fixes, etc. Most notable to me is units level faster up to level 13. Much needed, units leveling was way too slow!

Man, the Japanese have wikis for everything, including Dominions 5.

They also raised the default starting battle mana and starting meditation up to 30 and 40 just like we’ve been changing it to in the game settings. That’s a good change. They also reduced the cost to evolve units which is really nice. Now my young red dragon will evolve to a red dragon when he hits level 15 instead of 20.

A really nice quality of life addition is that you can now instruct your engineers to build a road from where he is to a point you select with ctrl-click. These are all things we suggested on the official forums as improvements so they do listen very closely to the player base.

I seem to delve one level too deep in the dungeons. Greed is my undoing in this game.

So I started playing a bit.

For some reason I expected many more deities and races.

Dominions 5 spoiled me there.

Plus maybe because DE is still new to me, but Dom 5 seems to have a better system for customising your leader.

Regarding the graphics, I will get used to them eventually, but I honestly have to ask why there are so basic.

Age if wonders 1 is from 1999 and has much better graphics.

I’m not a graphica whore but the graphics need to communicate what’s going on, and these only barely do.

Hell they could have used the overland map from Battle Brothers and it would have been cooler. Maybe not the tactical map because I have a hard time really reading that.

I’ll get used to it eventually.

I’m guessing AoW’s budget and team size was massively larger. Dominions 5 also has far worse graphics despite launching almost two decades after Age of Wonders for the same reason.

Are you playing as dwarves by any chance?

The Dwarves tell no tale; but even as mithril was the foundation of their wealth, so also it was their destruction: they delved too greedily and too deep, and disturbed that from which they fled, Durin’s Bane.’ (Gandalf)

The elves of Menegroth :-)

Exactly. As as I can tell, this is just a 2 man indie developer. They probably outsourced the graphics to a low bid contract artist.

I believe I remember reading somewhere that one of the 2 Dominions developers does their graphics himself.

I think the team that did the 1999 game had 3 people, just Lennart Sas, Arno Von Wingerden and Menno (?) Sas.

The Battle Brothers team is 3 people, and their strategic map is miles ahead of this.