Demigod: The Strategy Thread

Man, I wish getting into a game was easier, because there appears to be a LOT of strategy here.

Also, it appears once you pick a Pantheon, whatever that means, in the interface, you can’t undo it. Odd…

Oh, and a tip… Use armor. It’ll make you about twenty times as survivable in combat.

While the rest of your post is fine, and I’ve only played a couple of games of this, I have to disagree here as hard as I can. Don’t die as TB for any reason, you’re just giving your enemy a metric fuckton of gold to upgrade themselves in the process. 4 or 5 deaths at low level is 4-5k gold to the opposing team that could be easily avoided by buying a Heart or walking back to the healing crystal. Staying alive early is very, very important.

I use oak, but so far it seems as I am the only person who focuses on buying citadel upgrades, buying only the 1500 hat of mana and maybe boots of speed and a bit of armor before focusing on citadel upgrades until all 3 of the money upgrades are bought, which is around 10K.
Then I focus on getting the Dinosaurs, and THEN I will buy the Heart, and some extra attack speed and damage.
As for skills, my best experiences have been getting the damage(much like beloved one)-summoning,attack strength and then invulnerability for me. everything else is just icing on the cake.

Armor is really a must have for everyone I have ever played- because that 12-17% damage reduction easily turns to 30% with just one purchase.

Hold Control to only select demigods; very useful when trying to pick someone out from the middle of a giant scrum.

Reinforcement upgrades can be a two-edged sword, however. My last game, I won in large part because I outleveled the opposition, thanks to them bringing out priests early. You can pick up a lot of xp very quickly from enemy priests.

That’s good, but it still doesn’t say if Favor earned is tied to my account, or my demigod. Can I earn favor as Unclean Beast and spend it as Oak? Are the already-purchased favor items available no matter what demigod I play?


If I have to die a couple of times to get gold faster, I see it as a fair exchange.

Favor is tied to an account, across demigods and maybe even across profiles. However, it’s currently broken beyond hope. Every time I jump into a skirmish, my items are deleted and my favor drops to about -630.

However, you can edit a text file to simply add enough favor points to buy whatever you want.


So is the consensus that a) Heart of Life is awesome and you’re an idiot if you don’t use it or b) Heart of Life is really cheesy and only jerks use it?

Because Frank keeps suggesting that it should be used as TB, but in the Qt3 game I played there was much complaining over LiesIncorporated using it and basically being untouchable.

Damien, that’s an interesting theory, but I wonder if that offsets the fact that it takes longer to kill the dudes? At the very least, you’re having to take time to kill the priests, but then there’s the fact that they’re healing the other dudes who are either whaling away on your or your reinforcements or minions.

I’m pretty sure that adding units to the waves of reinforcements is never a bad thing. The essence of Demigod is how you convert your time into an advantage for your team. Tougher waves of reinforcements pushing harder towards the enemy citadel can be a key advantage.


Which you offset in the amount of gold and experience you’ve just given to the other team. And instead of waiting out the death penalty, you could have gone back to base to heal up. I agree with Frank Austin that you should always always always avoid dying.


words to live by

As Tom said, the current favor system is completely wonky. As far as I can tell it keeps track of two sets of favor. A local one for SP games and regular MP games and one set for Pantheon matches. I’ll update the wiki page once I know for sure (or when they fix it).

I dunno, man. Harkonis and I lost a game to Lies and someone else (sorry, whoever played the un-killable Rook, I don’t remember!) pretty much because I added Priests too early and the Torchbearer ate them up. Harkonis said that it’s an extra bad idea against AOE-capable Demigods, and I think that he’s probably right. A single-target only team/Demigod might have a harder time killing Priests and the units along with them, but the Torchbearer ate them for breakfast. Lies went from level 8 to 13 in about a minute and a half. We were winning soundly up until the point that I made the mistake of bringing in Priests.

At the very least, it’s probably worth upgrading your units a few times before you send those fragile priests out into the fray.

You might see it that way, but you’re handing exp and gold to your opponents at a pretty disproportionate rate to any gains you’re getting. It’s not hard not to die as TB, it just takes a little more attention than it does with more sturdy Demis.

Good question! I don’t know if anyone else was thinking of this thing as imbalanced, but … what say ye, Demigod thread?

This game desperately needs a replay function.

Actually, that’s a very good point, Frank. Weak priests might just be a matter of throwing your money away. Good thinking.

It’s interesting how the announcer loudly proclaims when priests, angels, catapultasurii, and giants are added to the mix. This leads to a definite arms race aspect. As in “Oh, crap, they just bought priests! I guess I better sell some of my equipment so I can afford priests!”. However, the announcer doesn’t say anything about the blacksmith and armory upgrades purchased by the other side. I wonder if it’s an interface issue or if Gas Powered intentionally doesn’t want you to know about enemy citadel upgrades.


I would hesitate to believe any proclamations about someone being rendered untouchable by any one thing. Demigod has so many variables and has been out for such a short time that 99% of balance pronouncements are just people whinging because they lost.

That said, the Lord Erebus assassin build is overpowered and must be nerfed posthaste!


That’s true enough - I thought I had a killer beast build right until Regulus sank my slimy ass 14 times in a row…

It would be great if that were intentional, to induce a sense of player paranoia. Even if it wasn’t, it should definitely stay in. The arms race you mention reminds me of games like Mega-lo-mania.

If you’re playing against any demigod that has an aoe, it doesn’t take them any longer to take out the priests along with the regular soldiers than it takes them to take out just the soldiers.