Democratic Debate 14 JAN 20

Biden also walked 10 miles in the snow uphill both ways. :D

Re: I drove 500 miles a day to work.

It’s surprising Biden is the presumed front runner tbh.

Makes no damned sense to me either. My absolute last choice of everyone on stage.

Boomers like old people?

Boomers are afraid of young people, i think.

Its hard to imagine picking Biden over Steyer, if you’re a hypothetical Dem primary voter, yet here we are.

Steyer is significantly to the left of Biden it looks like so I think that’s why you’d go for Biden if you’re closer to center. But I feel like on the moderate side Klobuchar and Buttigieg are both better than Biden.

Steyer, where have you been all my life?

The Christian in me likes the 180 conversion he made a decade ago, he could be like Paul but for the climate change action movement.

Oh damn I’ve been ten minutes behind this whole time. Explains some things

It does lend credence to the fact that it’s real.

The man can stare a hole straight through the camera. Seems pretty sharp when they let him talk!

Steyer, states don’t work like companies. Even Cities don’t work like companies. Your experience isn’t irrelevant, but it’s not that important either.
Bernie, drink some Red Bull, you’re too tired to make a good speech, especially compared to Warren.

I really liked Pete’s closing. Warren’s came across as a bit empty.

Steyer is the only candidate who will stop you from being kicked in the face!

In a post-debate interview, Sen. Klobuchar repeats the tired nonsense about the federal government having to raise the dollars to pay for its spending as a way to attack Warren and Sanders.

Le sigh.

Every candidate should learn about MMT, which accurately fits our observable fiscal facts since the “gold window” closed in 1971. Yes the deficit can be a problem but the mere existence of such isn’t one.

Only Republicans are allowed to run deficits.

MMT is considered fringe crackpottery by all mainstream economists.

There’s a reason for that.

Then there’s something wrong with mainstream economics (and I believe you’re overstating its position–Keynesianism is an acknowledgement of some of the observable phenomena that MMT explains).

If a year-after-year federal deficit per se were a real problem, the United States would have ceased to be a going concern a long, LONG time ago. And as far as the national debt goes, there was literally one year that it was all paid up back in the 1830s… which was predictably followed by a major financial panic.

Federal debt denominated in a sovereign fiat currency within a free floating foreign exchange rate system is not an issue. Have the “bond vigilantes” taken over Japan yet? No? Their national debt to GDP ratio is way worse than ours, and yet, no bond vigilantes.

Believe me, future Americans will not be putting real goods and services produced in 2075 into time machines to send them back and “pay for” federal spending done now.

EDIT: All this is not to claim that there aren’t good deficits and effing STOOPID ones. If instead of giving tax breaks that mostly go to very wealthy people the federal government had spent that money on fixing our crumbling water and sewer systems, and bridges, and building affordable public housing for low-income people (or helping them relocate, or helping them get off drugs etc. etc.) that would have been less stupid.

I do think MMT will work until it doesn’t, then it will be very bad.

I even have a theory of my own that says inequality is part of why MMT is working. MMT is making up for all the money the rich are sucking out of the economy through reducing monetary velocity.

Sure, what the Rs do every damn time* is “lemon MMT” as I hint at in my edit above.

*except under Bush père – the tax increases during his first term made the economy start souring right in time for the '92 elections. And the GOP hasn’t made that mistake again.

Scanning the reddit thread, I’ve learned from Bernie supporters there that Elizabeth Warren is basically a Republican.

Ok then.

Glad to hear Steyer did well. While I don’t agree with his position on term limits, his pledge to make climate change his priority has me leaning towards voting for him (in a few weeks!) Corporate Dems (Biden, Klobucher, maybe Pete) aren’t going to do anything to offend corporate America and I’m afraid Warren will end up getting much the same treatment that Clinton did - I’m already seeing a lot of sentiment that she’s “dishonest.” :/

Oh and sign reporting from NH: No clear favorite. I’ve seen about an equal amount of Biden, Sanders and Warren signs (no Amy, Pete or Steyer signs.)

The media agrees with you.