Democratic Debate 3 Sept. 12

I love that the media keeps insisting on getting a sound bite from Elizabeth Warren admitting that taxes would have to go up to cover Medicare for all.

No, no, we know they’ll pay less overall, but we want to hear you say their taxes will go up so we have that sound bite for Trump ads in case you’re the nominee.

Pete: That damn bill you wrote, Bernie. HA!

Bernie totally didn’t understand what Pete said.

Yeah. He looks a bit out of it.

Is kamala backpeddling? I want medicare for all…who want it.

Repeating DONALD TRUMP is giving me a headache.

Bernie. Baby. Back up from the mic. And don’t fight Joe about cancer. Bad move.

The problem Bernie has, is that there no good argument for why they should ban private healthcare.

The GOP has always had a reason for opposing the public option. Because it will likely result in the elimination of private insurance.

But you don’t need to ban private insurance to get there. Bernie’s answers on this are just bad, and wrong. Everyone on the stage is supporting a plan which will achieve every one of the goals that Bernie has stated regarding healthcare.

Joe Biden promises to take cancer out behind the school and beat the crap out of it.

I’d assume it’ll give private insurance years (20?) to survive, and is probably better for a gradual decline, instead of losing a large number of jobs now.

As much as I love Warren, I’d prefer the market / people to choose the public option.

I’ve seen enough of Julian Castro.

Loved Warren’s opening remarks.

And I’ve seen enough of Pete. And Yang. I’m out. Tell me about it tomorrow.

Pete got black people to applaud him!

Is there anyone in the democratic world excited by Joe Biden’s “Check with constitutional scholars” answer?

When is the first commercial break?

Edit:. Phew finally!

Me! I’m so fucking tired of Presidental candidates pretending they are Kings. It’s how we got to Trump’s EOs

What if you’re a president AND a constitutional scholar? Oh wait we tried that already (would do again)

No arguing that.

Did Bernie just say the U.S. lost 4 billion jobs because of NAFTA?

Edit: No he said million, he’s too close to the microphone.