Democratic Debate 5 - Nov 20

No thread? Yeah a lot more important shit happened today than whatever is likely to happen in this debate, but here’s the thread.

Wait, the radio on the way home said this was debate 5?

Lol you’re right.

Harris slapping down comrade Tulsi.

I’ll enjoy a 15 min recap tomorrow. :)

Was Klobuchar shaking?

We need to talk about how Buttigieg could have a crazy thick Selleck-esque mustache but chooses not to.

Yes I saw that too. Weird. She looked nervous, but as an experienced campaigner how could she be nervous?

It’s probably her last debate?

What we really need to talk about is what an awesome job Ashley Parker is doing!


DJT needed that money to DRAIN TEH SWAMP!!

Weird. They’re kind of not going at Pete so far. I guess the thinking is that his support in Iowa and New Hampshire isn’t sustainable, or is a blip?

Thought Biden’s answer on whether he’d prosecute Trump was very good: that he’d stay out of it, and let an independent DOJ make that call.

I also wondered tonight if we’d see Bernie go after Warren a bit for backing off MfA. So far, though, this has been a very kid gloves kind of debate. Everyone going after Trump…and I guess Tulsi a bit.

Steyer honestly seems okay. Decent answers, decent stage presence.

Biden makes sense for the first 50% of his answers then they go off a cliff.

Yeah, I am liking 7-8 of the candidates in this debate so far. I think they’re all doing very well. I’m also liking Tulsi’s new aesthetic, with the Cruela De Vil hair streak and the red back-lighting.

I suppose it is very on-brand for her.

Seems like in the shadow of impeachment dragging Democratic alternatives isn’t the best look?

Other than Bernie, these debates always make me cringe/afraid. Can’t watch.