Deterring cats & kittens

They are soo cute! All of them!

My girlfriend’s two cats arrive this afternoon to join my three. At least a couple of days of “sniffing through a door crack” are planned as they adjust. Gonna be interesting.

As far a deterring goes, her little long-haired tuxedo cat Chairman Meow likes to jump on shelves and knock things over to get attention. I have an entire bookshelf full of Eaglemoss ships/airplanes/etc in my office. This is going to be interesting. Merely aiming a squirt gun at him (without having to actually squirt) seems to be a deterrent for him, so I’ll have one in my office…

Interesting thing I learned when I got my most recent couch… I had read that cats don’t like to scratch velvet. I have no idea why this is the case, and was skeptical, but I got the couch made of a kind of velvet like material.

While my cats have destroyed other pieces of furniture over the years, they have not scratched up this couch at all.

Obviously big David Lynch fans.

Huh. I’d never thought about that, but I bought a green velvet couch, and I haven’t caught my cats scratching it once.

I love the thread titles on this site. Absolutely the worst way to deter [people from getting] cats & kittens is to stink up the thread with tons of cute pictures.

[…please keep them coming!]

A velvet couch must feel like momma cat.


I just heard this short story recently, and if you love cats, you’ll love it.
18 minutes long, and read by a pro.

The story does ask you to suspend your disbelief a bit.

Note: The HorrorBabble channel does specialize in old horror stories, however this is one of the exceptions. No horror at all here.

Love those feet. :)

Sadly, my wife is dangerously allergic to cats. We both love them though and these types of threads just kill me. After reading this I did a quick status search on an allergy cure and came up with something promising?

In short, instead of vaccinating humans, they have figured out how to vaccinate cats so that they don’t produce the allergens.

Super scientific study here, if anybody else is in the same boat. Keeping a close eye on this one. Looks like hypocat will be available next year!

I’m a little fuzzy on the severity of my son-in-law’s allergies, but they are the reason why they picked these two. Siberians are very hypoallergenic.

Growing up we always had 2 or 3 cats so they were always a kind of ever present source of companionship. My wife is very allergic to everything, including cats. While not dangerously allergic, when we moved in together it meant my two cats had to be restricted to the basement/outside. Now that we’re down to one cat my wife allows her full reign of the house during the day except the bedroom is permanently off limits. Between keeping furniture clean, the wife’s allergy medication, and the Purina LiveClear food(supposed to result in a fairly significant amount of Fel d 1 being deactivated), that arrangement has been working pretty well for all involved.

But I’ve been watching for the vaccine you linked to come to market ever since the study got published years ago. Would be awesome to be able to actually truly resolve the source of the allergy.

I’ve been allergic to cats, and have had cats my entire adult life thanks to Zyrtec (or the generic version at this point).

Thanks for this. We’d love to have a cat too, but my daughter is allergic (although not dangerously). I wonder if allergies sometime go away? We had her tested probably when she was about 3 and she’s getting close to 7 now.

Thanks for all those links and info regarding cats and allergies. I had always assumed that the cause of the allergies was the cat hair, not the saliva. I would be super interested in having a cat vaccinated so that it doesn’t cause allergies. I love the look of the Siberian, but I’m guessing that’s not something you could adopt at your local pet adoption agency and a purebred would be super expensive.

That’s some unique coloring and stripes. Beautiful cat.

That’s one way to cool off…