Detroit: Become Human - Quantic Dream, Do robots dream of Heavy Rain?

Some of this obviously grew out of the “Kara” tech demo from 2012.

Looks nifty, but what is the game about, actually? Is it an adventure, story-thing? Or a FPS-type shooter? Neither?

Ya, I got the same impression. Seems like a cool idea for a game world, kind of bladerunner-esque, but less dark. But I’m not sure what the game is really about.

Still kind of neat.

Been waiting for AGES for this!!! (slight hyperbole, been waiting since I saw the project Kara demo and extrapolated the setting and technology -and writing- on show there to Heavy Rain) Might be the first game I preorder in a looooong while.

I hope is more a Heavy Rain style game and less a Beyond: Two Souls middle of the road thing.

I´m pretty sure it wont be a FPS, but hey, might be wrong… (95% confidence?)

It’s Quantic Dream, so it will definitely fall somewhere more on the adventurey side and less on the FPS side.

Yeah I really enjoyed Heavy Rain, and that Kara tech demo was impressive. Didn’t play Beyond: Two Souls. This looks like Ex Machina with the ‘sharing’ element of Humans (the British adaptation of the fantastic Swedish show Äkta människor (or Real Humans, which I would highly recommended by the way. I think it’s better than Ex Machina). Unfortunately I don’t own a PS4 and am unlikely to pick one up for a while, if not at all. That said, Heavy Rain was a PS3 highlight for me as my girlfriend and I played in tandem and exchanged our stories when we finished it. That was really cool and fascinating how our experiences differed so much. I’m guessing this’ll be in a similar vein, at least, I’d hope so.

Dragons Lair 2018 :P Still looks awesome though.

That looks pretty intense. Not sure I am down for the whole domestic violence theme.

A demo was just released. I downloaded it but haven’t played it yet. Anyone try it out?

I tried it and I liked it! You get to make different choices (I like that), and in comparison to, say, any Telltale game, it seems these choices actually have consequences. Don’t know in the long run though, but at least the story in the demo has different endings. Also, I liked that you have a limited amount of time since you walk into a hostage situation, so you have to focus on the clues you think will help you.
Definitely giving this a go when it comes out =)

All of Cage’s stuff is so bad.

Reviews are averaging 80 on OpenCritic

Yes, pretty good reception so far. I’m excited to group play it with my wife.

Home sick today and I watched a streamer play a decent chunk of this game. I like what I see, if I had a PS4 I’d definitely play it.

Saw stream. Proceeded to lmao. Fun to watch at least.

Cage seems to be the internet’s punching bag, but the Eurogamer review was enough to make me curious so I tried the demo. I liked it, I’ll probably pick this up on sale. Too much else ahead of it to drop what I’m playing and get it right now, but it looks too interesting to not try it eventually. Seems like the kind of game I could be fascinated by even if the writing is as hamfisted as the critics say.

Melodrama definitely seems to be something that warps around into so bad it’s good amusing territory.

It definitely seems like with the accusations being leveled at the working conditions at Quantic Dreams, fairly or not, reviewers have out the knives for Detroit and are happy to turn a jaundiced eye at Cage’s work.

I’ve said this before and i’ll say it again, Cage’s writing is that of a guy who thought the 90’s Bad Boys was the pinnacle of cinema. He seems to aim for something like “summer blockbuster melodrama”. He certainly has no problem with stereotypical roles for men and women that might feel appropriate circa 1990 but have not aged well.

He also seems to LCD a lot of his writing and most of his stuff is so on the nose it’s like getting punched. His games still tend to have a suprisingly high diversity of end states and branching narratives, and for that they’re still interesting. Even when it’s Manic Pixie Girls meeting Mystical Native Americans and ride horses together wearing cowboy hats.

Is this more overwrought Cage crap?

I don’t think I’ve played any of his other games to answer from personal experience. The reviews I’ve skimmed lead me to believe that it’s his best work yet, but that someone who asks “Is this more overwrought Cage crap?” is still going to hate it. I don’t mean that as some sort of passive-aggressive jab at your hostility, just that it sounds like even at his best so far, it’s not going to change the minds of people who don’t like his writing.