DiRT Rally - Codemasters' early access PC rally game

I am weak. As soon as I saw you driving the Stratos I knew it was just a matter of time.

The Fanatec GT3 wheel. The game supports the Fanatec Clubsport, but my GT3 has random, changing deadzones, random moments where it’s just dead and moments where it’ll go a couple corners with no wheel weight and then dump a ton of feedback on me all at once in the middle of a straight.

Support for the GT3 will come, I’m sure, it’s just not there yet.

I assume you are using the clubsport pedals, any issues there?

Those videos were too tempting.

I caved.

Except, Steam won’t let me buy the game. It keeps telling me

“There seems to have been an error initializing or updating your transaction. Please wait a minute and try again or contact support for assistance.”

So I created a support ticket. It’s weird to have finally made an impulse purchase only to be stopped by a technical snafu of some kind. I was hoping to download the game overnight and play it tomorrow, but I guess that wasn’t in the stars.

A solution was waiting for me this morning when I woke up:

We are aware of the problem and are working on it. In the meantime, you can purchase the game in Big Picture mode.

Oky dokey! Done. Downloading now. I’m headed to work soon. Maybe I can squeeze in some play time this afternoon.

I couldn’t resist firing it up. I joined the Qt3 Dirt League and did the Greek series of tracks. Now I’m going to be late for work!

I’m loving the game so far. There are a couple of weird quirks in the graphics, but hopefully I’ll find a way to address those later.

Championship is harsher than the league race I took part in this morning. Each time you restart, you lose 1000 CR bonus. Plus the Mini is craaaaazy. I really should have bought the Lancia I used in the Qt3 league this morning. But I wanted to try out the mini and this thing is more maneuverable, but it’s also really crazy sensitive and light and easy to front flips in.

I just crashed out of the daily challenge today by literally crashing through a wooden guard rail about 3/4 of the way through the course. What I want to know, is why guard rails are made out of wood in the first place?

To catch all the Welsh bicyclists who might otherwise fall to their deaths. :P

In the Stratos, I came into one of those long right-hand sweepers in the Welsh stages a little too hot, and had to take the whole corner pretty sideways (moreso than usual). On watching the replay, I discovered that the rhythmic thumping sound I’d heard was the back end taking out a whole section of fence.

I finally won a stage. A stage.

I’ve finished 5th so often that when I saw “1” I may have jumped off the chair and so fast my headphones yanked off.

Turns out there’s an achievement for winning a stage called “I Am The 5%.” Currently it has been achieved by 4.8% of DiRT players. Well played, Codemasters.

I almost binned the run on turn three and later on I got the back of the car so far up an outside slope on a left hand turn that I thought I might fall out through the windscreen.

How are you guys posting videos to youtube from the game? Third party apps outside the game? Or is there a way to upload video from within the game?

Last night I played the Monte Carlo stage that’s almost a dead ringer for the Japan downhill stage in Dirt 1. I don’t know if you guys remember that one, but the one big difference between Japan in Dirt 1 and Monte Carlo in Dirt Rally is that there’s cars parked all along the route in Monte Carlo. Unfortunately, I found out by accident that these aren’t real cars but indestructible immovable objects nailed to the ground that happen to look like hundreds of cars parked along the route.

I was using Shadowplay, but it seems to put a weird stuttering into the replay that isn’t there while I’m actually driving. So that last one was recorded with FRAPS then trimmed start and end with Windows Live Movie Maker, (which also converts it to a small .wmv file: 2.73gb avi became a 570mb .wmv).

I’m using FRAPS too, and shrinking to m4v with Handbrake

Guys, use Open Broadcaster Software. It’s free and THE BEST.

I feel like I took the perfect line through this corner.

Holy crap, is that what the game looks like? Killer graphics! Are you restricted to 1st person, or can you drive in 3rd person? :)

There’s multiple cameras, including a 3rd person chase.

That is freaking gorgeous. I have so many games to play, and I rarely buy games not on sale, but wow my resolve is weakening in regards to this one.

I have a nighttime stage video I need to clean up and post. Just wait until you see that.

Yes, the nighttime stuff is pretty too.

I wasn’t interested in this game until I watched this Worth a Buy? video this morning. I was afraid the game would be too challenging/frustrating for me, but it sounds like I may be able to handle it.

Today the price went up on Steam, so I’ll pull the trigger during the next sale. In the meantime, I don’t own a steering wheel or pedals so I’ll be looking at those and trying to justify the purchase. Elite Dangerous turned into a completely different experience for me when I went from a 360 controller to a HOTAS, and I suspect a semi-hardcore driving game like this is no different.