Disco Elysium (2019) - Detective RPG

Has anyone tested this on minimum (or below) hardware? My aging Surface Pro 3 (i5 but a old i5 and just integrated graphics pre-Iris) can do a lot more then I ever expected but …

I know that I could buy, try, and return but that is just enough of a hassle that I’d love to hear if anyone else has done it first.

Was the release trailer posted?

If I was on the fence before (and I don’t think I was - everything in this thread was pushing me hard toward the Buy button), that little write-up you did (the fun you were having really came through) just cost me $40. Heading over to GOG right now.

Edit: Glad to see it’s currently in the #1 spot, knocking out Deadfire and Cyberpunk. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Cyberpunk not in the #1 position at GOG.

I definitely didn’t grok how the heath items worked when I first picked up some pills (some text popped up about restoring health and the lower left corner of the screen but I thought “I’m sure I can figure out how that works”). Took me a while. But I finally got it, and once you figure it out, it makes sense.

I’m liking this a lot but with all the pointing and clicking at times it feels like a point and click adventure.

And lastly, I loved finding my clipboard and working through it. I don’t understand it all but it was definitely interesting going through it all. I really like the worldbuilding going on.

Thanks for the kind words from yourself and @Mr_Bismarck! I hope you guys end up enjoying this as much as I (so far) am!

Why is “Disco” in the title? I almost skipped this thread thinking it was a dance game.

Played the game for a few hours.

The game is definitely wordy, but I find it very interesting so far. Now this is a game commited to let you behave like an idiot. In multiple different ways.

I love adventure games and I love batshit stories. This is like Fear and Loathing the adventure game and I can’t wait to play more.

Do you not listen to music influenced by drugs as well? Or literature? I’m as boring as they come, I never got to drink alcohol because of my chronic pancreatitis and it has never bothered me when comedians, games, books reference drugs if done for a good reasons. I mean, the basis of a Dune is drugs. That would be awfully limiting.

Detective RPG is also in the title. ;)

I’m playing it on a Lenovo Yoga i5 with 8gb and UHD620.
At 768p with shadows turned down it seems fine. Not an action game.

Wow, very pleased by what I have seen so far. But wow, did this game give me weird dreams.

One strange thing about the game technically: it doesn’t seem to auto-detect the resolution of your monitor. On both machines it suggested 1366x768. Not sure I could tell the difference given the art style, but I did play for a while on my laptop before setting it to my screen resolution.

Yup, same here. Had to set resolution manually.

Same - resolution defaulted to 1366x768 on my 1440p display. Very odd.

I also noticed my GPU likes to jack this card up to (often) 144Mhz and then it’s really going nuts trying to cool the card down. I didn’t see any frame limit options in the graphics menu, sort of a bummer there, so I set my desktop refresh rate to 60 and enabled vsync through the NVidia control panel for disco.exe. That cleared things up - it runs at a steady 60fps and my card isn’t working so hard.

I’m curious what this means in this context? I don’t find that RPS reviews have any particular flavor except somewhat-politically-aware and not-right-wing. I don’t feel that @justaguy2’s comments hit that note.

As a guy who got really bored with Torment: Tides of Numenera and who much preferred the spare, effective prose of Hadean Lands to the turgid prose of Blue Lacuna, I feel like his comments are pretty valuable. Disco Elysium is one for my wishlist, but I’m probably not willing to spend $40 if it requires significant amounts of thrashing upstream through deep prose.

It doesn’t, it’s a very easy and enjoyable read. And I come from wanting to like and bouncing off Tides of Numera. I don’t know where his opinion is getting informed from, I would think something like this isn’t quite as subjective as, for example, a painting, but I disagree with him as I’m finding the writing to be very quick paced and easy to parse quickly.

Ok. Thanks! That’s useful too.

Yeah, I played very little so far but the writing has been really enjoyable so far. Considering I’m not a native speaker of English and that I had some trouble enjoying the likes of Numenera and Pillars of Eternity, I’d say that’s a good sign that the writing is actually good here.

From some of the Vids I’ve watched I believe you can run by double clicking the target location. Also you can hit the Tab key to see all objects nearby,