Disco Elysium (2019) - Detective RPG

Continuing the saga of playing on below minimum spec hardware.

Intel integrated graphics HD 4400

It runs fine at 1280x720 with all settings turn to the lowest. Some lag when on the main menu screen but nothing apparent in game. Because of the art style it still looks great at that resolution and graphic settings. I have not tried using the surface pen - I would hope it works but right now I’m using a dock with keyboard and mouse.

Map scrolling would really help but oh well.

Arrggh I REALLY want to play this. I wonder if my lil Macbook can handle it.

I was just wondering the same thing… I have a Macbook Pro from 2016 and I’m not optimistic.

I have to say I’m surprised at how many folks in this thread are gaming on potatoes, haha.

On a related note there seems to be no refresh rate or vsync setting so to keep my video card from blasting full bore while trying to give me 144fps for no good reason, I ended up limiting my frame rate to 60 by setting 60hz as my refresh rate in the NVIDIA control panel, and I turned Vsync on in the control panel for disco.exe as well. That did the trick and has been working wonderfully. I’ll remove the cap once I wrap up Elysium. Now I don’t hear my poor video card blowing at top speed the entire time I’m playing!

Just about to wrap up my first day, I’ve been playing slow - but that’s relative as I have almost 6 hours in the game and I have yet to be able to play only 30-45 minutes at a time, it’s been closer to an hour to even 90 minutes per session, which is cool. It’s easy to sink into and get lost in this world and these characters.

This has its hooks into me enough that I woke up this morning humming the music that plays in the bar beneath your room.

Thankfully I still remember my name.

Just put a bottle of wodka in your hand and the rest will happen on its own.

I gave in and bought the game and am quite enjoying it. I can’t decide if I’m an arrogant asshole or an amoral manipulative shitheel, but I’m honing in on it.

I’m fiending for this one hard, but I’m trying to finish up BL3 before Outer Worlds comes out next week.

We truly are in a golden age of gaming, friends.

From what I have seen of the game’s writing (poking a various screenshots/YouTube videos, etc.), the Thompson and Lynch comparisons are, indeed, inapt. I’d say that conceptually the game hews much closer to PKD, and as for the writing, when it veers away from expository into zany it reminds me more than anything of this 14-year old Something Awful post.

It’s not bad.

Never read that SA post! That’s some good shit.

Yeah, I think that a lot of reviewers and streamers were making flippant, off-the-wall, drug-soaked decisions, and the game allows that, and so they end up with screenshots that give that impression.

But I am playing as a guy who is shocked by his breakdown, and intent on pulling it together, professionally and personally. And you’d be hard pressed to find screenshots from my game reminiscent of Thompson or Lynch or anything remotely in those directions.

I mean, even the drug stuff reminds me (if I absolutely must reach for a literary reference point) more of Burroughs than Thompson.

I licked the rum stain on the counter. I didn’t want to. OMG I really didn’t want to. But I couldn’t not do it. That’s how addiction works. I loathe myself. And the only possible way to live with that loathing is to act like my behavior is not only normal but transcendent. I know I’m fucked up and that everyone is either disgusted with me or laughing at me. That’s why it’s so important to remind them–forcefully–that I’m in charge. It’s the only way I can have any dignity. I’d rather they hate me than pity me. Also, my tie told me to do it.

Don’t let the haters get you down - you are Raphaël Ambrosius Costeau, and you’re a superstar cop. Yes you are.

I walked around for the entirety of the first day with one shoe on as I couldn’t find the second… This is a game that really works for my sense of humor, I’ve genuinely laughed out loud on more than one occasion, I can’t remember the last time a game made me actually laugh. Thoroughly enjoying it so far.

That is very interesting. I definitely did not lick up any rum, making me think that volition or some other skill must be the difference.

Kim has given me a look a couple times for appearing shaken around substances, but I have not debased myself. (Although I have loathed myself internally.)

EGX uploaded a developer panel with the lead designer and writer Robert Kurvitz and writer Argo Tuulik about the many challenges they faced when crafting an original RPG across a lengthy development cycle.

I think it’s because of a too high of an Electrochemistry skill. One of the things I love about this game and its system is that having high skill is not just an advantage, sometimes it seems to trigger a compulsion.

In my case, it’s because I gave up PC gaming 10+ years ago- the hassle is just too much. I’m 99.9% console now. If this had a port, I’d be there in a heartbeat. Since it shows no signs of being ported, and the system specs seem low, I may just give it a try. The pull is that strong.

You make fair points, plus just to clarify because I realize it’s hard to know through flat text, but I was just kidding around. :)

But also, I think I read the developers are planning on persuing console versions of this depending on sales, so I have a feeling this will eventually get around. I’d love to replay this on the Switch.