Disco Elysium (2019) - Detective RPG

I’m scared to start this. Qt3 said I basically had to play it or I was a big dummy but I’m expecting so much talking and talking and talking :/

There is a lot of talking, but it’s extremely well-written talking. And often very funny as well.

If it’s any consolation, I’ve bounced off this game hard each of the 5 or 6 times I’ve tried it. I just do not think the writing is very good. I think the writing is a credible imitation of what the people who wrote it think is good writing, but man this thing left me cold.

I’ll probably try it again and again and maybe it’ll click.

I’ve almost bought this several times, but the load times during gameplay were off-putting, especially (but not limited to) the Switch version.

Welp… apparently, the latest update reduces these loading times by… 75 percent?!? Going to see whether this is still on sale on Deku Deals.

Also… that is a CRAZY optimization years after the release & the “proper version” Director’s cut. They must have missed something pretty basic…

The load times were never a major factor, ever, at all. Total double-double nothing-burger (with cheese)

Look to Pillars I & II about load times. A clear and present danger! That’s the CRPG with the worse.

Hey, my first computer was a C-64. My tolerance for load times was bludgeoned many times at a tender age, and today I am similar to an NFL player who has suffered a dozen concussions.

Not going back to the pain place!

The load times aren’t especially bad (PC), but for the size and complexity of the environments it seems like they should be nanoseconds :)

I never got past Day 2 of my first playthrough back in the Fall, but I forgot what I was doing so I recently started up a new game. I decided I’d try to play the game based on what Kim suggested we do, which turned out to be a good idea. In my first game I randomly explored everywhere and it didn’t feel nearly as cohesive.

But I gotta say, the dice rolls and mechanics of this game just seem so convoluted to me. I can’t make a jump to recover my parka, but I was able to kick Measurehead’s ass. Only to nearly get murdered by a folding chair shortly thereafter. I bounced off the game again, but I’m going to jump back in soon.

I forgot to mention - it may only be of any interest to @anonymgeist , but my Father’s Day gift finally arrived after being stuck in supply chain hell for however long:

The album folds out with art of the entire game map - you can find nearly every landmark in this piece:

That’s gorgeous! I’m envious.

I ordered the collector’s edition back when it first went on sale, but they’ve only shipped the game itself and the rest of the package will be sent later. Eventually. Hopefully.

Having just watched Murderville, I think Will Arnett would actually be really good as the lead.

(Not that he’s actually involved–just me tossing that out there)

I don’t need an adaptation of Disco Elysium specifically, but I would love more stories set in the world.

They should get this guy:

Maybe just a point and click adventure. Instead of point and click and drag weary self yet further.

I really wish you could watch it in Romanian with subtitles.

And done. 21 hours, though it felt like longer :/

Plenty of potential in there, but the wrong choice of technology and a story that was quite boring for fair chunks of its length (at least in my path.)

One mildly interesting thing was the amnesiac detective. This device added… nothing really, for something that was put front and centre in your experience of the character.

What does this even mean?

The game’s interesting parts are about choosing thoughts and dialog, not position on a screen. They should have used a framework for choosing thoughts and dialog, and not for walking round a screen.