Disgaea coming to the 2nd last platform you'd expect...PC!


I got hard curb-stomped in world 2-1. That was not expected.

Did you pay attention to the Geo panels?

There aren’t any? FWIW this is world (whatever) “The Legend Begins”.

But more to the point, I just moved Killian out and figured he would one shot the stage and didn’t quite make it. I actually tried this time and as expected beat it (with a few casualties). Laharl and Etna were too tough to take solo. This may or may not be some sort of bonus content - they had much higher stats than anything else I had seen.

Ah, that’s a DLC episode, I think. I’d leave those for after you’re done with the main story or something, I suppose. ;)

AFAIK it’s just the custom map creator which is just a way for people to cheat [1]. I didn’t use when I played D5 through. I never bothered with network play either. And yeah, D5 is probably the only Disgaea I actually killed Baal on.

[1] I understand the point of Disgaea is to cheat, but there’s a difference between powergaming within the parameters of the game, and loading up a memory editor to edit your level.

Yeah that’s a DLC episode. It’s actually scaled based on your progress in the main quest.

I never played Disgaea 4. I played 5 a bit on PS4 but I;m much farther into the PC version now.

The item world is sort of strange to me. I remembered the levels being very compact, and I felt like it took some variety out of the proceedings (although they’re much easier to traverse). I didn’t notice at first because I’m not at that point yet, but I finally realized that basic items don’t seem to have innocents in them. The innocent farm is new (AFAIK) and something that has been overdue but doesn’t seem like it’s entirely going to replace innocent farming.

Also new is the fact that so far I’ve seen monsters ignore innocents (I take a series quick trips into items whenever a story mission seems closer than it ought to be, gathering resources and some levels). Although they seem to attack fish and the bottles sometimes. I am used to the need to race to get innocents. I mostly like the new mechanics, with all the ways to improve item growth (some of which I think came over from 3) although I have barely touched that aspect (I’ve been down to level 30 on one or two items, that’s it).

So I picked up Disgaea 5 on the switch on a whim and this appears to be the most relevant thread. I’ve never played a Disgaea before. I understand it can be a little opaque. Any beginner tips that won’t be spoiler or overpowering? Or should I just plow into the story and see what happens?


Bonus points: Why is D1 $10 more than D5? Should I have bought that instead?

Just dive in. The story missions do a good job of introducing the mechanics and are generally varied and interesting. It has a lot of things going on, but they are introduced slowly over time rather than all at once, so you never feel that overwhelmed. You can also ignore entire game mechanics so if one of the new shops / mechanics do not seem interesting to you or if you don’t quite get it, you can ignore it and complete the game (for the most part).

This is true of the grindy elements too. Disgaea takes grinding to absurd levels, but I’m pretty sure you can complete the story missions without grinding that much (if at all). I created a secondary team to replay past missions and do other optional stuff, with my main party focused mostly on the story missions, and that worked out fine.

D5 is certainly better than D1 in that it’s more polished. No clue why the first is more expensive, but you made the right choice.

Earlier Disgaeas have better stories and characters IMO but Disgaea 5 has absolutely the best interface and value for your money if you intend to engage in the post-game number porn grind. It respects your time in a myriad ways so your moves are efficient.

Now the thing about D5 is it has mechanics from all the disgaeas. They are rarely abandoned, but new ones are introduced. For example, D2 (?) introduced tower mechanics. They were very important, even obligatory in D3 puzzle maps. In D5 you can mostly ignore towers because there’s so many other tools to clear maps.

Is there a good beginner’s guide? I’m still early in, geo panels just got introduced, but I don’t really understand the mechanics, despite the tutorials

I’m not sure there is. Ask here if you have questions, lots of people have played it. It has evolved mechanically quite a bit from Disgaea 1, and largely in much improved. But there’s a lot to go over. Class tiers, weapon mastery, leveling up individual skills. And that’s before we get into the item world, specialist leveling, etc. There are good guides for getting into Post Game, but the game before that is straightforward unless you decide to make anything more than cursory dive into various mechanics. The thing is, a lot of Disgaea involves power leveling - eventually it will be dozens, and then even hundreds, of levels in a blink of an eye - characters for stuff, and you can’t really do that until post game anyway (but boy, can you ever do it there).

Once you open up the sidequest vendor dude, a lot of his quests are designed to point you to mechanics and get you introduced to them.

Know that spending stuff at the store will eventually unlock better stock, to a point. But you can only get up to a certain tier of gear, which is well below the max tier.

This seems pretty helpful from upthread.

That’s a really great explanation from @peacedog. I’d only add that the story can be pretty cute and funny in a (sorry) kawaii sort of way, particularly the first game - which has imo one of the better jrpg stories around.

It’s worth noting that this doesn’t apply to Disgaea 5 though, where the item world is concerned. But Disgaea 5 is better anyway, with the specialist farm and I was coming around on the changed item world stuff (floors are endless, or at least they can go to some absurd number that doesn’t matter anyway).

I really need to get back to 5.

Thanks. That was pretty helpful, although I’ve seen almost none of that. I guess my plan is to just play he campaign without worrying too much about the mechanics until I hit a wall. Eventually it’ll click.

Okay. You’re gonna play the campaign till you hit a wall. Usually at that point is exactly when the game introduces you to one of the best ways to increase power - Item world!

For geopanels, do you mean the maps with bonus gauge? For those, you get gauge as high as you can to get extra stuff. It’s hard to max it out in the beginning.

When a triangle blows up, it makes all the panels under it change color. You either put them in sequence so … all the blues turn red. then you make all reds turn green. then green turns orange… then you CLEAR orange with the transparent triangle. This takes a while to set up but it’s satisfying.

There’s a second way to clear them all but I can’t remember how to do it now.

One thing you don’t wanna miss: subclasses. They are the key when you start doing super power munchkin reincarnation up iirc. Again don’t worry about reincarnation if you can’t level back up quickly enough. Unless you want to. Because you find it fun to rerun as a level 1 and clear earlier maps faster. It is satisfying.

I wouldn’t worry too much about mechanics when you are starting out. The game does a good job of explaining them over time and you can’t really mess anything up.

So, I’ve had Disgaea 5 on my wishlist for a few years now and have decided to buy it at last since it’s currently on sale on Steam for $19.99 which is a historic low.

I’m fascinated but a bit overwhelmed as to how to begin playing it since it seems extremely complicated. I guess I’ll take the advice above and try letting the game explain itself to me as I play it. Hopefully there are not to many things that will bite you if you don’t know about them just starting out.

I played through the main story on the PC and started the post game. Then I got distracted by other games I also did the story of D2 and purchased D1 for Android. I’m not an expert, but feel free to ask me any questions.

As far as team composition, it’s flexible, you can go with what you like. Just make sure to have 2 or more melee. Mages are very strong. Their spells increase in range the more you use them. I had a fire mage and an ice mage, They dished out some serious damage. Since units have weaknesses and resistances to certain elements, try not to have just one elemental mage.

Spear users are good since they can attack diagonally. Make sure to use and level up powers and use team up attacks.