Distant Worlds 2: this time, your space spreadsheet has a 3D engine!

Just followed as well! (Thought I was already following your stuff but apparently not.)

Thank you!!!

Same here. Watching the little civilian ships doing there thing back & forth was kind of like counting sheep…at the end of a tiring work day it would send me to sleep in my chair.

I found DW dull at first and obtuse… It was just a strange game (to me). And to be honest it still is sorta odd.

But I started playing DW universe (after it got cheaper on steam) on a single planet (to try and gain some control) and it started to click. Pretty soon stuff was flying around! Things were shooting at stuff! cargo was being delivered!

It is more simulation that 4x I think … well let me go back in when i have the time and see.

I don’t know if Brian is listening but a question for him or Vin would be: can’t you just limit yourself to a space freighter in this game (DW) and run around the galaxy buying and selling?

You can control a private freighter with the Bacon mod, so, technically, yes.

For those wondering about Stardrive and the Blackbox mod this popped up in the 4xGaming reddit today:

There’s another preview of DW2 on Twitch next Tuesday, May 11th. Details here:


Hopefully someone can watch it and report back :)

Alright let’s make an agreement to not bump this thread until the game is out or almost out. :D

C’mon, legit news like that is okay.

I didn’t mean it as an attack. The last time they did the thing where they trickled out announcements for barely any content I got burned is all.

I think I read somewhere this is coming out in July?

well that link does also say that DW2 is a 2021 release, so that’s something? anyway, news on this has been barren in typical Matrix style, so a straw grasped is just that :)

You could always mute the thread - I’m sure you’re likely to see the news of a release date elsewhere?

Got damn I got the hammer. :P

not from me! ;)

You are a gentleman, kind sir. Not like these savages.

Doesn’t use of the :D shield one from rebuke?

Oh, since we are discussing Distant Worlds 2 I should have used the special font.

I guess if they made it to the Master of Magic announcement segment of the day, they’ve finished the new DW2 presentation. Anyone catch it?

Edit: Looks like it is here Twitch

I love Erik, but man he needs to move his camera.