Distant Worlds 2: this time, your space spreadsheet has a 3D engine!

I watched maybe half of it.

Guessing some leave the stream on while they work/eat/build their galactic empire from scratch.

It’s been so long since DW came out that I’m concerned 1) if it will suck and 2) do I even like games like any more?

I never got to play the first one, tried a couple times to get the UI/font to scale up so I could see it and never got it to work properly. So I’m coming in to DW2 cold but curious.

For those that played the original when it came out I do have one question in particular: Did it launch pretty well baked or did it take years of refinement to get to a complete playable state?

It wasn’t in its best state when it launched. It took some patches and an expansion to really hit its stride.

I’m hoping they’ve learned from the experience the second time around.

They appear to be prioritizing a smooth launch. It took years to get to Steam with DW1, and that’s obviously not the case this time. So not fair to compare with launch over a decade ago…

Oh I wasn’t. I’m hopeful this will be a far smoother launch.

Same here. My main wonder is how good (or not) modding will be at or near release. Steam Workshop could be so good…!

I don’t think they’ve talked much about modding at this point, have they? Risks of a new engine could be it’s harder to modify I suppose.

Before I even start playing this when it comes out – cause we know its complicated… Ill let brian be spacegamer all over this. Then well see. Btw i love new grammar check in the threads now. i get tons of blue stripes.

Shouldn’t a lawyer be capable of creating sentences that don’t look like they were scribbled by a 5 year old with a crayon???

Your comment seems needlessly antagonistic.

Why post something like that, man?

Wtf dude?

I am pretty sure @tomchick did a review of the original game, in its pre-patched and pre-DLC state. I remember the game being liked but it needed some time before it hit ‘classic’ status.

I can’t imagine how many hours of DW I played, as almost my hours were pre-Steam. The real time action and the ‘living’ universe really triggered gamelock in me and I played it nonstop for years.

Hi, the funny stuff is that if you have Stardrive 1 with the Black Box and Combined arms mod, you essentially have Distant worlds with MUCH better graphics, way better combat, planetbuilding terraforming aliens, otherwordly threats, you name it, and a great ship designer…

I dare Distant Worlds 2 to beat this, however by watching it, uhm its like seeing something from the 90’s done again now…it just looks fugly as hell.

Stay away from Stardrive 2…however.

Apparently, it’s a big day for just shitting on things in a mean way.

Hahahahahahah no you don’t hahahahahahahahhaha come on man. I mean it’s a great mod but come on.

I looked very briefly at it when you mentioned it earlier, but I believe I had some issues with super tiny fonts on my display and other stuff like that. I admit, I kind of didn’t feel like bothering to muck around with it to get into a better state so didn’t get much further than that, though!

Heh, taking shots at a game is fair… er, game. Taking totally unnecessary shots at posters talking about a game was pretty fucked up and uncalled for, though.

Well, I know Brians stance on the game, he loves DW and that okay, i’m just comparing two very similar games and want to say that I think Stardrive just looks and plays lightyears ahead, its actually in my opinion a masterpiece and quite possibly the best 4x game ever made.

The only drawback is that out of the box vanilla, it’s a broken mess, and that’s what makes things a bit hard…

Lets compare it to Stellaris then…okay Stellaris got a much wider scope, but holy cow does space combat look and play better in Stardrive, planet building… it is more complicated and yet easier…and there are NO WORMHOLES OR TRAVELNODES… it’s totally open…go anywhere…attack a system from ANY angle…

We’re lucky the modding community saw Stardrive for what it was and rescued it, its a fricking masterpiece…play it.

I did play it. I thought it was…nice.

But it’s no Distant Worlds sir, nor will it ever be.