Divinity: Original Sin 2 - Use more elements than Captain Planet!

In EA Bless did not use source, so you could use it much more often.

I imagine if I were coming into this blind and got this gated skill without any explanation I’d be underwhelmed by it.

I won’t spoil it, but there comes a point in the game where re-gaining source becomes quite trivial and you can use source powers in every battle.

Like all other powers, they are a mixed bag. The summons are all pretty great even with 0 points in summoning. One of the Rogue attacks that does 5 backstabs kills mostly anything. Theres a hunter one which slightly increases your range… it is not even worth the AP it costs to cast, let alone a source point.

Quest log - “We extorted a beggar into giving us some gold.” Actually no, I fucking didn’t.

Sigh. Why do I bother?

I’m still stuck at the Black Pits and no Googling shows a way forward. Nothing on Steam’s forums, Youtube, etc. You transition to a 2nd section and find yourself on rail tracks. At the end of the only linear path you can take is a shrieker and I have no means of getting around it or killing it.

Yeah, this has been my biggest annoyance with the game thus far. I did not extort gold. I did help Saheira. I haven’t even met the person mentioned in that quest log. And on, and on. The quests themselves I’ve had no issue with, but the quest log is a mess.

Somewhere in your journeys you should come across something like a Purging Wand or some such. Equip it and it lets you kill shriekers with the purge power. I don’t remember where I got my original one, though. If you think it possible you may have sold it, check any merchants you’ve frequented.

Done that. No merchant in or around Driftwood has one. Total halt to my game, which sucks since I was enjoying it quite a bit.

You should email that screenshot to Trump and tell him it’s a satellite photo of North Korea’s latest weapon test. I bet he’d believe it.

Ok, so I’ve got some stuff that has a slot on it, and naturally I’m now trying to put a rune in and not having any success. There’s not much to it, you go to manage runes, pick the thing with a slot you want to add it to, then the rune you want to use, then hit the button.

At which point nothing happens. Clearly some user error going on here, any help?

I cannot begin to count the number of times I’ve died here - such a tough fight. Even AFTER I figured out waiting and watching 1 minute would make one tough bad guy leave, and not join the fight.

Do you have the Tyrant’s helm?

That fight also wrecked me the two tries I had at it. I didn’t try too hard though as I still had stuff to explore so I figured I’d just go gain a level and come back.

I guess the AI plays the same game you do, with the same abilities. It’ll pick dangerous or weak units and focus on them.

If there were a ‘proper’ aggro system, would you be okay with the AI taunting your characters and locking them to only attack specific targets?

They also say something like “it takes more than 1 fight to be the One”. :)

I did this last night and was pretty keen to check out all those chests around the place inside the arena. Then I won, and was whisked out without a chance to open any!

Dammit. I had no idea I was meant to be attempting to loot during the fight. Otherwise I would have left the last enemy alive and kited them around the map.

This seems to be blowing up big time. So happy for Larian, they really deserve the success. Can’t wait to get into it.

I have a some questions about thievery at risk of starting yet another character.

  1. Can you sell stolen items?
  2. Is there a way to remove the stolen flag?
  3. If Character A steals a wand from merchant A and then gives the wand to character B, then Character A steals a sword from merchant B, and merchant B searches Character B (the one with the stolen wand from merchant A), will it see the wand as stolen and/or react to the stolen wand in any way even though it was not stolen from them?

I am a bit nervous about equipping my part with stolen goods because I could somehow find all of it confiscated at some point.

You need the purging wand you get in Dark Cavern which is near the 3 giant lizards. The entrance is hidden by illusion. You can get another one too if you do the chained dragon quest.

My problem is I can’t recharge the wands because the NPC that’s supposed to do that is bugged and doesn’t even have that as an option in her dialog, I suspect I need to talk to someone else first before it will activate.


As far as I’ve discovered, only for gold if you mix it with another gold stack in your inventory.

Yes, sometimes. Everyone in your party around the vendor gets searched. To be safe I give all my stolen items to the one doing the theft and then when they get out of the area nothing incriminating is left on the rest of the party.

I meant by a different merchant. Bob the thief steals a shield from max the merchant and gives the shield to Tom the warrior.

Then bob and tom are near Sarah the merchant. Bob steals a wand from sarah, and takes off. Sarah notices, and searches Tom. Does she see the shield that tom has as stolen or react to it? It was stolen, but not from her, but Max.

If it makes you feel any better, I looted them and they only contained scrolls, some special arrows and potions. Things that would help in the fight, basically.

Well, I had a situation where I got searched by “Sarah” and she didn’t find her stuff (I’d stashed it somewhere else), but found the stuff that was stolen from “Max”, thus I still got into trouble.

Once I had the situation where I’d stolen money & books from someone. I’d stashed the books, so thought I was safe, but I still got confronted as a “shifty looking guy” and had to fight or pay a bribe. I thought that was odd since the stolen goods hadn’t been found, but judging by Coldsteels comments, I guess I should’ve “mixed the gold” inventory slots.