Doctor Who: 2007

I have that problem, too - especially when watching Doctor Who.

Enjoyable episode, though I’m not sure why the Daleks think their plan is a good idea.


I would describe that episode as execrable. Seriously it’s the equivalent of a Colin Baker era plot.

Also what’s up with them suddenly waggling their eyestalks when they talk? The flashing lights on the head aren’t enough?

The only thing that really struck me as execrable was how the Doctor went completely unnoticed by the Daleks. Apparently as long as he doesn’t actually say anything, they are happy to ignore him. Even though he’s right in front of them, and these very same Daleks had their asses kicked by this very same incarnation of the Doctor not too long ago.

I hated that episode. Paper thin characters (the Wisdom of Solomon at the start was especially annoying) and an apparently terrible plan for the Daleks. To recap, they believe that the great next stage is…

…Professor Brundlefly?

agreed, that was crap. The new dalek dude just looked crap, like he was made of paper mache and squeezy bottles. Very dissapointing :(
And the accents were pretty embarrasing too.

That episode was awesome and you folk who claim otherwise are nubs.

Seen over at SomethingAwful:

Also, when did the Daleks get useful tentacles?

Is there anything more rubbish than a low-key Dalek episode?

Look, if you’re going to go in that direction then at least do us the courtesy of bringing back Davros.

I want the Movellans myself. I dig the wig.

The Daleks have changed in appearence in just about every story they’ve appeared in, but they’ve appeared as a cross between a jellyfish and octopus throughout the 80s. If anything, the green jellyfish that the Doctor picks up in this episode is a throwback to those designs.

1984’s Resurrection of the Daleks had a scene in which a soldier gets attacked and strangled by a Dalek outside it’s “Mark III Travel Machine” shell.

Overall, I didn’t mind the episode up until the last few minutes when the hybrid steps out. I did like that the other Daleks seems a little pissed at Dalek Sek over his decision to “evolve” and I have no doubt it’ll be they who off him during episode two in the name of their racial purity.

Anyway … The Doctor versus the French Dalek.

For the deadliest threat the universe has ever known, the Daleks sure have had a string of really badly-conceived masterplans.

A much better evolution would have been gaining the ability to open up the armor, and then a slightly-smaller Dalek would pop out with the ability to open up to reveal a still smaller Dalek, right on down the line, until you get a little tenth-inch tall Dalek scooting about and showing ants what for. You know, a matryoshka doll, but with a death ray.

Also, the Dalek Song.

I think the main threat of the Daleks is their persistence, not their weapons.

wow… that latest episode was just… bad…

“when will this burst of gamma radiation hit the earth?”
“in eleven minutes”

It’s never “in 6 months” or “next year” is it? Good timing eh?
The dalek-human hybrid guy was an embarrassment. Gah, I had forgotten just how crap poor sci-fi TV can be. bah.

Wussification of the Daleks. Here is what that was: bad.

That was terrible. Nonsense piled on top of nonsense. I mean really, if you had pure Dalek DNA you’d end up a jellyfish wouldn’t you? Or at least a Kaled? If they had the balls to bring Davros things might have been okay, as it was it was pretty terrible.
And that “I’m going to save the pig!” nonsense at the end… And then he couldn’t even return him to his human forms. Thanks for NOTHING.

On top of that it was horribly directed.
Let’s hope that was the worst episode this season.

The thing that really struck me is that even if we accept the idea of DNA containing things like compassion for the sake of argument, Brundlefly Sec is a mix of a mutant killing machine built to hate, and a vicious, power-hungry construction baron who lets his own people be turned into pig slaves and Dalek chow. This doesn’t seem like the kind of pairing that’s going to develop a love for ice-cream and puppies as soon as it wakes up.

I demand sci-fi for grown ups with some grasp of science. frankly why nobody at the BBC knocks on iain Banks door and offers him a crate of whiskey to write an episode is beyond me.

I really wanted to see Stephen Fry’s episode. Sigh.