Dominions 5 - Born to be Van Wilder

Well, i guess that makes 0 of us, since we’re not an owl quilling society.

Well don’t I feel silly.

I guess that makes you owl quillers then? You would pluck feathers out of noble, wise and beautiful owls? Maybe you are the monster!

Gosh no. We appreciate the beauty of all things feathered. No, our air gems go towards other… interests.

sorry, i should be getting my turn in. Instead i’m just here kinda convalescing from my fisor booster yesterday. I’ll get to work on that soon…its’ just easier to sit here bouncing in the forums…

I know, i know, you like dead people. I’ve seen.

oh, btw, i was meaning to comment on your adventurous governor. I dunno why, but i assumed it was a she and that adventurous meant…well, the less said the better.

I was disappointed to find out that i was wrong on at least one of those points, and quite probably, all of them.

True enough, he is less adventurous now. But you know, being able to command up to 5 squads, 300 units, +6 morale buff to each (before sermon of courage), he makes for an amazing commander. There is more to come, though maybe some regrets at making him a Prophet.

just saw this randomly in my dom feed, i loled a bit

Oh yay, an Ashen Angel.

Lemme guess… bats? I’m sure it was.

Maybe not. Let the speculation continue :)

tell me it didn’t hit the adventurous governor! That would make me sad…the world needs more adventurous governors, not less!

The Adventurous Governess sounds like a 19th British porno novel.

Fear not. The adventurous governor will continue to adventure. A quick resupply and retooling for future adventures awaits!

What I did lose was worse. My commander who did a fantastic job expanding if I recall. 3 star, 12 kills to his name.

Also, uh, I just looked at the hall of fame, and still Niefelheim has entrants present. In fact, 40% are Nief, 40% are Ubar, then there’s a Fomorian and a Caelum random. I’m… impressed?

Haven’t had a chance to look at the turn yet, but the mod inspector says that an Ashen Angel shows up if the laws of the dead are broken.
@Strato - not all laws should be treated like they are speed limits, you know.

oh shit

Yeah, you should be saying ‘oh shit’. An Earth king, a Eagle King, Fire spirit, a Yazad (E3S2N3H2), and a F3A3H3 (Me Too! ? I dont get it, I guess I dont get out much) with a ton of wvyerns.

But I think @pyrhic is going for the throne next to you that he just scouted out with some type of weird bird Daeva attack. Its going to be tough for him to take it, 300 odd undead and a D8 titan with a ton of death gems.
It will be interesting to watch.

One way he could do it is by having all his flyers attack the rear, which is the titan and maybe the shade lord. While he is doing that, the mages pump out elementals to keep the shade beasts away. Hopefully the titan doesn’t cast soul vortex first turn. The wyvern and his sacred troops might be able to kill her in a turn or two.

Ya, that was Call of the Drugvant. I wasn’t expecting too much, but for 15Death and Thau7, I was expecting more than what i got which was 20 villains, a bandit leader, 13 daevas and a H2 daeva leader. The daevas are fine in and of themselves, really decent stats, flight, holy, with fire plate and magic weapons. But without any way to give them commands they’re just kinda there. They’re too strong for PD and too weak for any kind of player controlled force, i’m not sure what you’re suppposed to do with them? But i did want to cast the spell, the spell description leaves a whole lot to be desired, and even inspector doesn’t have any additional info, so i figured to give it a shot…

oh, i was kinda doing a play on Me first and the Gimme Gimmes, which i kinda stumbled across last year and felt was kinda neat

I kinda goofed on it though in retrospect, my god should have been me first, and all the other ones should have been plays on the gimme gimmes, and i kinda inverted it.

ya, still dig em

I was also thinking of something with pennywise, but couldn’t make it work thematically

All too easy…

Yeah, the Solar Brilliance was pretty cool to watch going off. Fog Warriors, and the fact that it was cold, so the magic weapons were effective as well. I was surprised that the Kavi archers did so well.

And apologies for whoever’s astral mage got cut there - hopefully you got to see the show at least…