Dominions 5: Multiplayer Warriors of the Feint - 2018 Stabby-Stabby Edition

How’s everyone feeling so far? Any questions or concerns with the game or the mod itself? I think the mod creator is looking for feedback.

One bad fight made way for another bad fight. Game has been challenging.

Something I noticed that is interesting. For NaBi and Ind, if you can’t see their capital, the name of the province changes. Isn’t that odd? Even if you have somehow scouted their capital (which I can neither confirm nor deny), as soon as you move off their capital, the province name changes.

It’s a little annoying.

Postponed the game 12 hours, just in case. @Strato, are you going to make it in time?

All good, was going to make it. Had a few jobs I needed to do in the morning. Thank you!

Anyone else gettings a lot of Bishops, compliments of Ind?

If they weren’t so slow, they would be useful.

natural charm rather than a special effort on my part

We are well into year two, and for me, the game has started to get complicated. I’m moving us to a 48 hour turn. Sorry about this guys, this hurts me as much as it hurts all of you.

Man, those illusionists can sure pack a punch, eh?

They do. I got real lucky with the retreat though. Save most of my army.

Now, the question is, do I wait, or do I throw Assassins at it?

I am tempted to wait while I marshal some troops.

Oh, and before anyone asks, that castle that some of you see on the border. That was a happy accident. I just found a fort there.

I am on travel and not sure when I can get turn. Thursday pm by latest

This brings back memories. The ever increasing hordes of @pyrhic’s scouts, which beckon his Virtues to visit. The sudden appearance of 400 of @Kelan’s Eagle Warriors, guarding the Air Queen laden down with gems. @Evil_Steve ravaging the coasts with THINGS THAT CANNOT BE UNSEEN from his octopus lair in the depths. @Strato’s Neifel Giants striding out the mists, horrifically geared to kill everything.

By the way, my therapist tells me I am making good progress.

We haven’t gotten there… yet.

Oh, quiet you. i’m not even like that anymore…

Presumably making progress for your triumphant RETURN

hypnotic gaze activated

Does anyone need to discuss the mod with the mod creator? They are looking for feedback.

I’m out most of the weekend, so I made the turn intervals 72 hours, just in case.

I wonder if you meant to reap the whirlwind.

and I wonder if you regularly converse in that manner or if its just an affectation…

But more seriously, you string a line of forts on my border and are actively engaged in pushing my dominion back 2 hexes from my capital and you expect me to do nothing?

It’s a pity they couldn’t sneak through, but cest la vie.

I would say that one of those forts was a fortunate accident and the rest is just natural Machaka expansion.