Dominions 5: Warriors of the Faith

I just heard this from the Dominions Discord I frequent.

A serious bug and exploit in the current version of the game has cropped up. It relates to an unexpected issue with the automatic recruitment function. Theoretically it can be used to generate infinite gold within a multiplayer game. Any such exploit will be caught and announced to everyone in the next turn by the game’s anti-cheat detection system, however. It remains an issue since it can allow units to be recruited during a siege (and this is not something the anti-cheat system detects), and it is something that players can stumble into by accident. (edit: Will stumble into by accident, given that it happens automatically if a fortress province with Automatic Recruitment active is attacked and besieged!) It is not necessary to pause ongoing games, but it may still be adviseable to do so, if you aren’t sure you can trust all fellow players and the game’s organizer not to abuse this exploit in any way. (Use your best judgment!)