Dota 2 Reborn - Valve revamps Dota 2

Yeah, I wasn’t trying to propose an actual team up unless you happen to live in Australia. Pics of you doing badly will help me feel better though, haha. If you click onto the crystal maiden pic you’ll see my stats for the first match were 1 kill and 8 deaths!

Anyway, I am loving the turbo mode. One of the main reasons I never played DOTA 2 and instead played Heroes of the Storm (back in the day) was that matches were faster, and therefore if you do badly or your teammates do badly it doesn’t take 45 minutes to end the pain. I am finding turbo games usually end around 20-25 minutes, and you still get access to all of the cool toys of your hero.

I have started with Crystal Maiden and it’s going OK, but still shopping around for a good starter hero.

I do intercontinental dota with UK and Nigerian players. It’s the excuse I use for why I can’t last hit.

This game has given me a very mixed experience the last couple of days. Some games are great, alot of fun, helpful teammates, and although I’m the worst of the team I feel like I am contributing and not feeding.

But then you get games where most of the players are admittedly smurfing (i.e. Really experienced players who create a new account to beat up crap players). The enemy team gank me every opportunity and my team start with the abusive voice and text chat. After 45 minutes playing a game like that it just saps all desire to hit play again.

Not sure whether to keep at it or to keep my dota 2 experience for the yearly TI.

Yep. That’s the biggest problem with dota. It’s why I choose to cross the Atlantic and play with high ping with people I know. That way even if we get curb stomped we can laugh about it. Solo is too much of a crapshoot.

They are doing something about that stuff.


  • Permabanning abusive players
  • 100+ hours of playtime to play ranked

New heroes day!

Holy shit there’s a whole new item system.

Sideshop is now Outpost. No idea what it does, but it seems to have a bounty rune.

Wow, this patch is even bigger than I thought.
Free wards!
Couriers for everyone! Loads of TPs.

That new item system:

Some of these items are insane. Though I guess if supports don’t need to buy wards any more, they may be six-slotted by the time they drop.

The outposts are control points that grant vision, a TP target, and bonus XP. Unclear how impactful that will be given their location.

I haven’t even looked at the hero changes yet.

Also, the new hero Void Spirit is very fun, and feels OP though I’m not qualified to judge. Plays sort of like an up-close melee Storm Spirit with a low cooldown but short range zip, a damaging shield and an aimable RP.

Snapfire I didn’t have quite as much fun with, but has the potential to be a beast in teamfights with a targetable barrage ability among other things.

Edit: Wowzer

That seems like a really bad idea. I thought the whole point of the talents was permanent differentiation, and having to make tradeoffs.

I assume the idea is to force an end to long games by upping the damage ceiling and making team wipes more likely. We’ll see how it plays out though.

Patch is kinda crazy. I don’t play anymore, but I’d be both excited and terrified of all the new stuff I’d have to learn to play competitively.

A lot of this seems like terrible ideas, so it’ll be interesting how it turns out. I usually tried playing a good support - just having money at the start would be a big change.

Oh yeah, also:

Couriers level with you and when suitably levelled can use items.

Hahahahaha, Purge’s impressions video is 9 and a half hours long.

Not actually sure this is new, but you can see the spawn boxes for jungle camps when you’re warding now.

Waah! They messed with the map again.

If anyone still plays:

༼ つ ◕◡◕ ༽つ GOT DIRETIDE

So much stuff to dress-up with…

I found the screenshot of an item for 102$ in the marketplace amusing.

Haven’t played any DotA since I built my new PC, but it seems they released a new hero.

Looks like I have have to reinstall it.

It’s International time again. I’ve barely played any DotA in the last two years, and haven’t watched any pro games, so I’m completely out of touch with the teams and the meta. The ResetERA OT is a pretty good overview though. I’ve got a free weekend so planning to watch a bunch of games.

Any games particularly worth watching so far? I’m probably not going to have time to watch more than 1-2 games per day this time around, so need to be pretty selective.

And damn, having one of my least favourite players (at the “always cheer for anyone playing against him” level of dislike) transfer to the team I’d primarily want to root for is unfortunate.