Dragon Age 4 - Before and after GaaS

GTA Online is the model, that’s what they should do.

RDR2’s online is pretty awful. Isn’t that an attempt at that?

I haven’t played a GTA game since the first one which we promptly refunded years upon years ago.

I haven’t tried either, just know the GTA5 Online stuff was very successful, people seem to like it, and since it’s an entirely separate thing it didn’t infect the main game with forced multiplayer and microtransactions.

There are number of MP games that are part of the actual game that don’t… infect anything. It’s a great experience actually, not some sort of disease.

It also killed all singleplayer development for the foreseeable future, and is an open PvP sandbox, so I’d really rather they not do that to Cyberpunk.

That isn’t a necessary consequence of doing a separate multiplayer mode. Rockstar just doesn’t do single-player DLCs, that I can remember.

GTA IV had two, RDR had one, LA Noire had a few smaller ones…

I stand corrected. Guess GTA Online did have that impact.

One DLC to rule them all!

Looks like the setting of the fourth Dragon Age game may have been revealed in a book just released by Bioware. I’m not sure that this is necessarily spoiler material, but don’t click the link if you don’t want to know.

Dragon Age 4 locations confirmed • Eurogamer.net

That seems oddly phrased to me. They’re going to make DA4 a single player RPG? Isn’t that always what it was, they just wanted to stick in this other stuff on top of it, and now they’re not?

Either way that is good news.

“planned as a service game” and “heavy multiplayer” do not say “singleplayer RPG” to me. Yes, the franchise has previously been singleplayer (although Inquisition has a pretty vestigial multiplayer along the lines of ME3), but EA. Well. You know how they are…

I have a hard time seeing Bioware making Dragon Age 4 a multiplayer-focused game either though. And if they had, it would seem difficult to yank out the multiplayer functionality at this point without going back to the drawing board. Without knowing the details of what they had planned, I imagine they had elements of multiplayer (like Inquisition and ME3) and maybe loot crates or some such, and are abandoning that plan. But I doubt (again, without knowing the details) they are changing core gameplay all that much.

I think GAAS games usually have to have hooks in the design to do things like provide excuses to do Daily, Weekly, Monthly missions, that sort of thing. I personally loved that stuff in Destiny, but that’s because I couldn’t care less about the story in Destiny. It would be hard to design an ongoing mission or reason to keep going into more content without affecting the story, so it would be of significant impact in a game like Dragon Age, I would think.

I hope you’re right. My guess is that EA was pushing hard to make it really multiplayer/service driven and it’s going to involve a major pivot. I already had concerns about how this game would turn out, and while focusing on singleplayer is definitely good news, if it is a major directional shift my concerns are not exactly receding.

There may not be much to rip out. If there’s more than 18 months left in the development cycle, there’s a fair chance they haven’t actually started work yet. Because “Bioware Magic.”

LOL. I know, right? The post-mortem on their last few games (Anthem, Andromeda, Inquisition) all mentioned what a tough time they had switching to a new engine, and handling a new content pipeline, and how despite that the game came together finally in the last 6 months of development.

It’s hard to get a handle on where Bioware is at these days. You’d think that making DA4 a single player RPG would be a no-brainer right? I mean, you would at least think Bioware knows what side its bread is buttered on. But things are obviously a little shaky over there, what with turnover and pulling the plug on Anthem. Hopefully things come together.