Dwarf Fortress: Very Ambitious Roguelike

Did they give a timeframe? Is this not due on Steam in the coming year?

No, they’ve basically been cute about it. You can actually see what it says on its Steam page.

See below:

While not perfect, the steam workshop overhaul mod adds quite a bit.

So, there was that time a bunch of nature loving hippies became a badger-worshipping cult:

I like that it takes place in Tar En; plenty of other stories, there.

The first villain release is out:


Is there a record for the size and longevity of a player’s civilization in this game?


Oh, I guess CPU lag becomes an issue.

Man, I know that its late in the hour for this, but I really wish that one of these releases would be to standardize and clean up the interface and keys… My biggest road block whenever I try to get into this game is having to devote so much time to just learning how to grok DF…

I was going to say that Kitfox Games’ Steam release is going to update the UI, but looking at the screenshots and the descriptions on the Steam page, it doesn’t look like they’re changing much of anything, which is too bad. To be fair, there’s no guarantee that there IS a sane UI scheme for the game, as it just wasn’t architected to care about one. But maybe it’ll be part of future Steam-version updates?


It just kills me because you see this : “The deepest, most intricate simulation of a world that’s ever been created.” And I get all salivated, then I remember the 4 year bachelor’s program I need to uncover all that deepestness, intricateness…

And yeah I don’t see mention of a UI change, and my guess on the graphic overhaul is they are just including a glorified icon set with the game standard. But we shall see I guess!

Wait…what are they doing, then?

From the Steam page:

Nothing substantial is new or changed, under the hood. It’s still good old Dwarf Fortress, but with graphics support and music by default. A few bells and whistles won’t change that.

You may already be familiar with the tile set mod packs from Michał “Mayday” Madej and Patrick Martin “Meph” Schroeder. They’re collaborating on an all-new, from-scratch tileset, as seen in the trailer and screenshots. Meanwhile, Dabu has composed a few musical tracks, to match the seasons, and some other audio bits and pieces.

That’s pretty disappointing. I don’t really understand why Kitfox has to be involved for a new tileset and some music. I was going to pick it up, but I probably won’t now.

If it’s just tile sets and music, I’d have to say this say this was a missed opportunity. Making Dwarf Fortress more accessible would have been amazing.

From what little I know about the Steam release, the brothers Adams’ are doing this because of financial/health issues. If given the choice, they wouldn’t release it on steam at all. So, expecting an entire new interface after a decade+ of them not doing it is probably too much to ask.

Just buy it and know that the money is going to a good cause, and to two legitimate geniuses of game design.

I don’t really get what Kitfox is bringing to the table, here, is the thing.

I went to look at the Steam updates and Tarn mentioned on 16 January that there will be broader interface updates and quality-of-life changes. So fingers crossed I guess!

Knowledge of how to publish to Steam, plus, the owners are friends with the DF guys. My understanding is that the DF guys always have said UI will come when the game is feature complete. They don’t want to keep changing the UI until then: they’d rather focus on the various simulation systems.

Isn’t this just a tongue-in-cheek of way of saying “never”?

Well… who knows? There’s really nothing else like DF out there. I believe they track a % complete on their website?