Dying Light 2 - Zombies, parkour, and decisions

That’s pretty typical. Games lower their prices steadily… up to a point, then they stay at that price ($15-20 for years). Usually, until enough years pass that people start thinking of it as an old, slightly retro game.

I’m way too hyped for a game that’s not out for 9 months. Looks great.

It appears it’ll still have co-op, but one person has o be the ‘host’ since in-game decisions can change the world too greatly for everyone to carry their co-op experience back to their own session.

I’m not going to watch that video, which means I’ll have a lot easier time waiting nine months than the rest of you. Ha ha!


I will say the video is very ‘E3’, they have chosen a very cinematic mission with cutscenes and a chase, and of course it has staged a few bits. I suspect it doesn’t really represent the average 20 minute play of the game.

I’d be interested in what you did for the motion sickness. I eventually got the wrist bands you wear but even then i still felt awful after about 20 min and never got further than the first couple of missions.

I believe I did what this post says

4x the map size!

Uh oh. That doesn’t sound good. (As a fan of smaller games). Unless the original game felt especially small?

Hm. They already tried large areas in whatever expansion that was that had the buggy. Not a fan of that particular approach.

Fine with me if there’s plenty to do. It sounds like not all the map will be immediately accessible anyway.

Yeah the open flat lands with the buggy got boring quick.

I don’t think that will be the case with the new game even if the map is much larger.

So do we have any serious zombie fans here? Anyone? If you watch this trailer video … it appear TechLand hired the Jay Snyder - audiobook reader narrator from the Day by Day Armageddon series. Hearing Snyder do the narration at the beginning of this video sent chills down my spine…!

Delayed from Spring to… Unknown :/


I’m sad but fine with it. Still have so much to do in the first one.

Hah, if this keeps up, 2020 will be a somewhat sparse year for releases :-D

Ugh. So bummed about this. DL2 is my most anticipated game, after Cyberpunk. I’ve hopped back into The Following DLC, which I never finished, and is I suppose some small consolation.

I upgraded for this and Cyberpunk. D’Oh :)

Nooooooooooooo gif.

On the plus side, I will be able to work on the backlog. :)

I caught the typo for you.