E is for Education

Good thing we can do that.

Basically every early civilization did it. So… yeah.

It’s still bright.

You know for a bunch of people that like making fun of other people for not knowing things, you sure are ignorant of the things you’re making fun of them for supposedly not knowing.

Theory of heliocentrism? Theory of old-Earthism? And is Theory a synonym for Law?

Well, something is ignorant, you have that correct. Which is the un demonstrated part of the theory of evolution?

David Mitchell’s quip is the internet educated world in a nutshell.

Then explain the mechanism by which gravitation works.

Go ahead, I’ll wait.

Gravity is very much a theory when you go beyond the mathematical ‘this is how it functions’ level. Is there some phantom ‘graviton’ particle? What causes gravity waves? We only just confirmed their existence in the last 3 years!

Look if you can’t be bothered to learn what the fuck you’re even talking about, I’m not going to try to educate you.

You don’t even understand the terms being used and I’m the ignorant one?

Bitch please. You’re on a computer. Use google and educate yourself.

Here’s a freebie.

I’m not doing your homework for you, you can figure out the rest. Try googling “fact vs law” or “law vs theory” it brings up about a million things.

My understanding is that adaptability is proven, but cross species evolution is not.

We can also show that evolution occurred and occurs. We can even do incredibly cool demonstrations of it that are completely observable. To wit:

Jesus fucking Christ.


You mean the Theory of Relativity, Quantum Theory and related stuff?
Because those are fucking different things.

Both have been directly observed in nature. For speciation: Speciation in real time - Understanding Evolution

And? What you’re observing is bacteria growing. Period. End.

Now figuring out WHY it happens, that’s the theory. And hence evolution.

But the Law of Gravity (as defined by Newton) is incorrect. It makes useful predictions only under certain conditions. It was extended by the Theory of Relativity, which makes useful predictions under a wider set of conditions.

So your point is simply that no theory is observable?

This isn’t just “adaptability”.


Sorry, I used the wrong word… whatever it is above species; that’s still a bird changing into another bird. I mean changing type (a bird into a cat) or whatever the word is for that.

Genetically I don’t think those would be considered separate species though. However the cross breeding of some might prove difficult if not impossible without human intervention.

Of course it is; those are both still dogs. Maybe the vocabulary I’m using isn’t quite correct, but I believe my question is more clear in my last post.

It doesn’t work in some scenarios but it’s correct for most things. Again, this is observable. Objects fall that X rate in Y conditions. We put shit on Mars with it. It works.

My point is you people need to learn simple terms if you going to have discussions about shit.

And that lamenting people using the correct terms for things makes you look stupid, which is a bad look when you’re trying to make fun of other people being ignorant. (the royal you, not you specifically, though you’re bordering on it)

Nope they’re definitely not cross species, but they’re on their way.

I mean, there is a lot of arrogance here, but very little argument or explanation. What’s with that?