E3 2019 - Apparently it already started

What a try hard douche bro. I may stop playing the division 2

Yes he makes me want to uninstall it.

Whats this?

I love you. Thanks! :)

So this is a rocket league competitor?

I guess.

Gods and Monsters art style looked good.

It reminded me slightly to the last Zelda game.

Then again, I haven’t played the last Zelda game.

@TurinTur It’s worth buying a switch to play.

Wait, are we gonna now watch people stream R6 Siege , during e3?


Was it?

I’m still watching. :*(

I’ll definitely be watching the whole Ubiconference when I get home tonight. They’re get weird sometimes, but I’m always entertained.

It’s weird how every year I meet more and more converts to Rainbow 6. Earlier this year I had 3 different people trying to convince me to start playing that game.

Yeah my friend asks me weekly to try R6 Siege.

I just know I will embarrass myself. :)

Yeah, my worry about jumping in at this point is how long would it take to not be gimping your team due to lack of map knowledge.

I don’t know, I was asking. He was presenting it.

Yes, Clint Hocking is directing Watchdogs: Legion. I didn’t realize he was back at Ubi after bouncing around to Amazon, etc.

As an open world sucker I’ll be there for the next Watchdogs.

But…what I would give for a new Splinter Cell game…

So I sign up for Uplay+ and get Breakpoint for a month for $15?

I feel like I’m asking the same question repeatedly these days :)

Metro only cost me a dollar though. Just sayin.

No-one’s watching the AMD show?