Earthquake in Maryland

Modified to 5.9

Knocked stuff off my desk here in NoVA.

Felt it up here in Waterloo, Ontario.

Ah, here we go:

only 1KM deep!


Lots of people in office buildings in Detroit felt that one. I was at the ground level and didn’t feel a thing though.

In California I have felt earthquakes that were 200 +/- miles away…

Higher buildings are built to sway so the higher up you are the more likely you would be to feel it.

We didn’t feel anything walking around Baltimore, didn’t even know there was an earthquake.

Apparently feeling it so far away isn’t strange.

Silver Spring, MD. Definitely felt it. Work in the basement of our office. Got everyone into door frames, and then checked the servers. Duh.

Well crap, and I’m headed to Rockville tomorrow. REM was right.

Felt it in Charleston. Just a weirdly unsettling wavy sensation, like our building was on a really big rocking chair.

I felt it here in Cincinnati on the 8th floor of a 28 floor office building downtown. I was sitting on the can having a little post-lunch quiet time with the sports section and the whole stall felt like it was wobbling. Having been through earthquakes before I recognized it for what it was and my first thought was “it would really suck to have the building come down on top of me in the stall with my pants down around my ankles”. Not really the way I want to go out.

Luckily the building is just fine, hell half the people on my floor didn’t even notice it. I’m not sure how they didn’t, maybe those expensive office chairs absorbed the shock better than the porcelin throne I was on? ;-)

Felt it here in Providence. At first I blew it off because it’s the last thing I expected, then our studio in Baltimore chimed in and confirmed. Very odd.

That was quite a movement you were having, Mr. Mhath.

I’m ok!

I thought I was losing my mind, as although I’m a California native and no stranger to earthquakes, I didn’t expect to have such a big one here. It felt a lot like the 89 Loma Prieta, at least length wise, and I live about 80 miles north of the epicenter.

Definitely felt it here in DC. Our office on the third floor of an old townhouse in Dupont shook pretty significantly for about 10 seconds, and as soon as it stopped the four of us went out and sat on the street for a while. The building next door (that our building braces against) is under demolition/construction right now, so we were pretty nervous about that.

I, for one, welcome our new Mole Men overlords.

I had my feet up on the desk and I thought I made my monitor shake. I put my feet down and went to steady my monitor but then realized my whole desk was shaking. I couldn’t help but think “wheee!”

First images coming in of the disaster


Evacuated my building and the Goldman tower opposite in NYC. Best part of the experience was watching Goldman security round up their staff and herd them back inside less than 5 minutes after the quake. Back to work boys!