Easiest font to read in Word?

Best Chrome extension.

At work, it’s mostly Times new Roman or Arial. At home, I tend to work with Calibri. No idea whether that is considered an easy to read font, but it works for me!

Another vote here for Verdana. It’s been the company wide font of choice for quite a few places I’ve worked at due to its legibility. It’s also pre-installed on every major operating system so documents look the same on every platform.


Ohhh I would like to do this! Is it expensive?

It’s Helvetica in the CSS. According to some rando on the internet on a site I found, the closest Windows native font is Arial.

So, instead, just hop over to https://fonts.google.com/?category=Sans+Serif and find a font you like. Then use SkyFonts to install it (as Matt_W) mentions above. Google recommends SkyFonts to install their fonts locally.

Do you guys even CTRL+mousewheel? Everything is readable if you make it big enough.

Are you kidding me? QT3 has been at 125% forever.

The best is when I’m flipping through shortcuts on my PC while also using the mousewheel and I accidentally hit control. Whatever I happen to be viewing goes to like 10,000% craziness.