Ebook Bargains

I think Cradle is probably the best starting point but I personally enjoyed both the Elder Empire books and the Traveler’s Gate books. Traveler’s Gate were his first books, though, so approach with that caveat in mind.

Incidentally it’s established in the later Cradle books that the worlds from the other two series exist in the same multiverse as Cradle.

Ok, thanks. So basically just not as good as Cradle series, which is understandable.

In short, yeah. Fun reads, but he really hit gold with Cradle. Here’s hoping his new series continues the trend.

Is that the one called Captain that I grabbed today?

Yup. The first of a planned series - I don’t recall how long it’s supposed to be. Sort of a sci fi/fantasy hybrid. I bought it (I buy all Will’s stuff - I got the first 6 Cradle books free and have been cheerfully trying to pay him back ever since) but haven’t had a chance to read it yet.

Because I was thinking of the wrong series name when I type that post :-)

A haven’t read anything from either author, but maybe they are worth while? $2 and $3 respectively

A nice deal on some of Zelazny’s fantastic short stories, including the Damnation Alley novella (tho I’ve had A Rose for Ecclesiastes in my mind for awhile) = $1.99

Thanks. I was a huge Zelazny fan back in my youth and I am sure I have read most of these if not all but its nice to have them on my e-reader.

That’s an easy pick-up, thanks! I can’t remember if I ever read that story you mentioned but the title sounds familiar.

BTW, who are the current big names in science fiction? I’ve lost touch. There used to be that annual Nebula Award winners anthology that would keep me in the loop but, as everyone, I’m visiting my public library much less frequently these days. Used to go all the time till maybe twenty years ago.

Check to see if your library supports Libby - you can get books for your e-reader. I usually check for books that I feel are overpriced, or new authors - I usually keep an eye on the Hugo/Nebula nominees and do a try before you buy evaluation on the newer writers.

Some recent F/SF writers I really like:

Charles Stross
Brandon Sanderson
John Scalzi
Mary Robinette Kowal
Alix E. Harrow
Naomi Novik
Cory Doctorow

I’ll add in Adrian Tchaikovsky, excellent blend of opera and small cool ideas.

The great Watership Down is $2 on Amazon. You can relive your scarred youth!

FWIW, those were just a few off the top of my head. Haven’t really done a deep dive.

Some more semi-obvious top-of-my-head names that are both generally good and have been big with the awards set over the last 5-10 years:

Martha Wells
Ann Leckie
Arkady Martine
N.K. Jemisin
Becky Chambers

Worth noting that all the authors on Kyrios’ list are women, really cool to see more works of sci-fi from women being put out there.

Thanks for the names. I keep hearing good things about that series that starts with The Three-Body Problem. Anyone read those?

I never read that-- heard it was kind of a downer. I know they made a movie.

There’s a thread for it!

Best thing you’ll read all week: The Three-Body Problem - Books, comics, TV, music - Quarter To Three Forums

At least three times!

I remember when I was a kid, a friend of my dad’s handed me a copy and said, “It’s Lord of the Rings, but with rabbits”. And, well, it’s arguable I guess. But it got me to read it!

General Woundwart still creeps me out. I tried watching the netflix? series, but it didn’t grab me enough to keep going, even tho Fiver and Hazel et al were good to be reminded again of.