Echo - The MCU Disney+ deaf hero from Hawkeye - TV-MA

Iirc, Hulu is where Disney sends anything which teeters on parentally objectionable content, so it was destined there from the moment they decided on TV-MA.

Yeah, based on previous reports about Disney/Marvel refocusing, I think this is just a way to rationalize a show that was mostly done when they decided to pull back, so they need a way to make sense of it in this new world.

I would expect this’ll be a one-and-done show. Hopefully it tells a complete story!

Not really. Deadpool and Logan are on D+. This is a new thing.

It might be something that they’ll do going forward for all slightly-naughty material, like a Completely Uncensored Splash. It could be like a Touchstone Pictures was as compared to Walt Disney Studios: a place where they could make and release fare like Pretty Woman and Con Air without worrying that kids would somehow wander into the theater because there was the Magic Kingdom Castle as the studio logo.

I liked Hawkeye pretty well but didn’t especially like this character, so it’s hard to drum up any interest in watching a show about her. Maybe if the reviews are well beyond expectations, otherwise this one goes in the same bin with Secret Wars for me.

Unfortunately, early impressions from critics that got to see the first 3 episodes are very mixed. It doesn’t bode well for this series being good since these Twitter critics are usually positive about everything that’s even mediocre level.

Yeah, I loved Hawkeye, but her character didn’t do a whole lot for me.

Still, I generally at least “more-or-less enjoy” anything Marvel, and love D’Onofrio’s Kingpin, so I’ll tune in.

Doesn’t look too bad from the trailer, IMHO.

Been out a couple of days and crickets so far here, cannot be a good sign for Marvel. I’m three of the five done and it isn’t totally terrible. Not enough D’Onofrio yet though which is sad since it is only five episodes long.

I watched two eps so far. It’s okay. Just kinda dull, really.

The very limited amount I’ve read—an A.V. Club review of the first three episodes and one tweet from Alan Sepinwall—has been of the “wait this is actually pretty good?” variety. Maybe it’s just the very low expectations, but I’m excited about it.

My interest in all things Marvel will probably always be greater than my wife’s, but so far these have still all been shows and movies we watch together. Our schedule this week is the only reason I haven’t already binged the episodes on my own time.

I’m very much looking forward to watching it. I’m going to try it with the gf, who’s not a Marvel person so much, because I think the gritty crime part is going to be something she digs.

Oh heh. Wasn’t even aware it’s out until you posted.

It’s only 5 episodes, and I finished off ‘Echo’ this eve. It had some watchable action scenes and I liked the focus on the culture of the indigenous people rather than typical euro-centric/americentric stuff. And having a real-life deaf actor (Alaqua Cox) play the lead, also with a prosthetic leg, is a great bit of inclusion. But ultimately, it’s going to come across as mediocre and probably not all that memorable outside of how it advances Fisk in the credit scene at the end of the last episode.

One part I found kind of sad after all the build up of Maya’s athleticism and combat training is that the big end fight scene was chopped up with the dancing scenes and you got to see nothing of her abilities, and then she used her healing power on Fisk instead of having that much-anticipated fight. As the climax of the episode, it was a bit of a fade out, not a wow moment. Marvel Spotlight may be focusing on character, and perhaps the lack of a real exciting ending is part of that shift, but it doesn’t make for a great show when the rest of it leading up to that point was more melee and less characterization.

At least it’s short with a very compact story arc even if they did a lot of looking at the past. Overall, the entire season is shorter than some movies. That might bode well for those that are on the fence and just want to have something new to watch.

Finished it. Not terrible overall but that last episode was bad.

My son and I watched the whole series tonight. Overall I liked it, he thought it was good but messy.

Still better than Falcon and the Winter Soldier.

Watched this over the weekend, and I thought it was really well done. They did a good job of balancing Maya’s personal struggles, the family drama with her grandma and cousins, and her issues with Kingpin. The concept of powers coming from the ancestors was presented well, although I think they spent quite a bit longer than necessary on the past scenes - we only needed a couple of minutes of people coming out of the cave or playing lacrosse to get the idea. Great performances by both Alaqua Cox as Maya and Vincent D’Onofrio as Kingpin. The last couple of episodes reminded me of the Daredevil series with events hinging as much on Fisk’s state of mind as on the hero’s actions.

This was a lot better than I thought it would be, especially after the dreck which was Secret Invasion.