Elite: Dangerous Kickstarter Launched

When starting out I found half my hold was a good number, but as I got better at identifying things I found I was using less prospectors, and now I’m good with about a third of my hold in limpets.

That said, 10 iron and 10 nickel from your materials bank and you can synthesize some limpets yourself if you find you’ve run out while staring down a profitable core. Dunno how many you get per batch, I was getting 4, but that may have been because my prospector and collector limpet controllers could both control 2 each.

The really sad thing is I had watched a couple videos and they all said to make sure you loaded up on limpets before leaving, and I thought I had by clicking the Reload All in the Starship Services home screen, I just didn’t know where to look for it in the UI to confirm. Now I do…

“Restock All’ doesn’t restock your limpets, because why would you want your UI to make any goddamn sense.

I guess it’s because they take up cargo space, and they can’t really make an automatic decision about it. It might be kind of nice if it prompted you for how many you want to buy when you hit the restock button.

Right, it doesn’t restock limpets because they use cargo space and the amount wanted is variable. If I’m equipped for combat I usually want 0 limpets and would be quite miffed to get a hold full of them. A prompt for them on restock all would also get kind of annoying if you rarely want them.

I suppose they could reword/rename the button to make it clearer.

They should do away with them or make them like ammo.

I’m getting a little better at this now that I know (roughly) what I’m doing. Made a run last night with around 120 million credits of void opals and low pressure diamonds. Could have made a bit more, but I ran out of limpets (my cargo racks were almost full anyway), and it was getting late.

Two things I am still not clear on:

  1. I am still really unsure about definitively spotting fissure rocks at a distance. I’ve watched several videos and read a few guides, but the things I’ve seen to look for (high-contrast, really bright, use night vision, etc.) still have me putting prospectors into non-fissure rocks. I guess ultimately it’s not a big loss to just go pushing out prospectors until I get better at spotting them, but I feel like I spend a lot of time between finding the rocks to mine.

  2. I’m not sure I understand what the demand component of the commodity interface is for. Originally I thought it meant the station would not buy that good, and then I thought it meant that they wouldn’t buy it all at the indicated price (price per unit would go down immediately), but as it was getting late last night I put into a station that had no demand for void opals or diamonds, and was able to sell it all at the indicated price. Is demand more of an indication that a price will drop in the future? Or that it may drop over time?

I’m not an active player but I always felt like it was adding insult to injury to have the damn limpets be something that gets “used up” after you’ve had to basically use up all your free equipment slots for mining, between the limpet controllers (of two kinds) and the refinery.

Me neither, and that’s not because I dont love this game. There’s so many games, so many so good and only so few hours in the day that aren’t filled with needy little voices asking for stuff.

Thanks for the tips. Reddit says to look for rocks that look like popcorn, so I’ll try that next time. Really what I need to do is the next time I find one, to study it a bit before I blow it up.

That’s the logical conclusion, but I’ve seen systems with high demand buy for far less than systems with no demand. It seems kind of weird. My only guess is that there’s a range of prices they would pay for a good, and it’s based on the general wants of the system type, and then demand determines the price within that range.

Did you end up going to the Krait Phantom as your next step after the AspX? I’m probably one run away from upgrading to a bigger ship, and thinking about Python vs. Krait. Python seems to have more space in it, but people say the Krait has a better view.

I found the AspX was pretty much the perfect miner due my attention span and its limited space. For me, 100M/run was more than enough even though I had a vanilla Python sitting in storage.

I’d say the ‘next’ step is down to what you’re after. Once I hit 1.5B credits, I went to Jameson Memorial and bought/outfitted a top-of-the-line Anaconda for fighting just because. Honestly, I haven’t played much since then. I’d like to get back to mining in expectation of carriers in the next expansion that I assume will cost many billions.

What I think is going on is that the really good prices for these mined materials isn’t so much a result from demand in the commodity screen as it is the state of the system in the background simulation. I’m not sure what state or which combination of states the system/station needs to be in, but my experience it has had nothing to do with demand, which for me has almost always been zero bars. This is why I tend to favor selling at stations where there has been little traffic in the last 24h, since players doing things in system tend to affect the BGS quite a bit and muck things up for me when I go to sell.

Article about a rescue mission for a guy who went to far out from the galaxy. Crazy the time these guys put into this game. Definitely not for me but gotta hand it to them.

Go Fuel Rats!

I thought you could always refuel using a fuel scoop? That must not be the case if you can get stranded I guess.

Not all stars are capable of being scooped so it can pretty touch and go when you get away from dense clusters.

Well unless I read the article wrong these are guys going out from any stars into “the void” I guess it’s called to try and set distance traveled records. So if they don’t pay attention to fuel they can’t jump back and are stuck.

Couldn’t you technically self-destruct? My first week flying I lost track of what I was doing and ran out of fuel. I self-destructed and ended up back at the last station. Does it not work this way or is this a pride/role playing thing?

Probably a mix of pride, role-playing, and a crapload of lost exploration credits.

Ah right, forgot about the exploration data.

Is internet access that bad Down Under? You are in Australia, right?