Enter the Game Music Thunderdome

Blast, you found me out. Curse you meddling kids Brits!

Oh, and to clarify, I have no problem with people changing their votes. Just whatever the final result is when I go process the end of the round.

I’m fine with it too… as long as they change them the right way ;)

Since I quit everything I obviously don’t know how this poll turned out but I’ll assume it was the right way out here in the vast nothingness that is my soul now.

Put on some Yngwie Malmsteen, you’ll feel better!

I genuinely get bored to tears by Mr. Malmsteen after about four minutes unless I can look at him. In that case, I can’t decide which of these two videos is my favorite:

for its sheer cocky absurdity (god that man is sure of himself)


wherein one begins to suspect that Yngwie just put on his rings and skintight leggings at some point in the late 80s and couldn’t get them back off, and so in them he remained as he slowly ballooned toward his middle career size, straining at the edges of physics itself.

Dude, stop now or he will unleash the fucking fury.

Look, keep your Malmsteen guitar wank to yourself. Posting it just reminds me of how much I let everyone down by failing to nominate any Akira Yamaoka;

This may not be the best(?) Malmsteen video, but it’s my favorite and makes me laugh each time:

That is my third favorite Yngwie Malmsteen video of all time, but he’s not quite chubby or absurdly cocky enough in it to beat out either of the others.

Rayman suplexes Dustforce, while Bastion is setting sail and coming home right out of this competition, as Monty digs his way out of an early hole.

Michael Angelo Batio does stupid guitar wankery the best. Especially the Nitro stuff, nothing is quite as so stupidly over the top and ridiculous whilst actually being serious.

I actually have quite a few instrumental albums from various guitar players but never listened to a Malsteem one more than just flicking through it.

Theme of Laura was a MP3 i had on my playlists for a while, that and Promise.

Match 41:

  • Diablo II
  • Skyrim

0 voters

Match 42:

(if Glass isn’t available in your region, this video appears to be the same track: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2HjkJVYq970)

  • Baldur’s Gate II
  • Before the Storm

0 voters

I hate you all. Yes, especially you.


<stares coldly at Baldur’s Gate II and mutters under my breath>

You. You killed my precious VVVVVV, you shallowly bombastic piece of nostalgia bait.


I know how you feel.

Before the Storm makes me feel like I’m sitting at Starbucks surrounded by millennials. So, that’s gonna be a no for me, dawg.

Before the Storm and Skyrim advance.

Match 43:

  • StarCraft
  • Journey

0 voters

Match 44:

  • Super Mario Galaxy
  • Final Fantasy VI

0 voters

Yesterday’s matches remain active for a couple more hours.

Match 45:

  • Nex Machina
  • Crypt of the Necrodancer

0 voters

Match 46:

  • Morrowind
  • Final Fantasy X

0 voters