Epic Games Store - 88% split goes to devs

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Okay, thx. Bye.

If I were citing Mr. Kern’s tweet, I wouldn’t be appealing to Mr. Kern’s authority as a games industry figure so much as suggesting that his telling a bald-faced lie under his real name makes it trivially easy for Epic to disprove his story. What’s the motivation there? I’m not the person who made the argument, however, and I’m only making it hypothetically now, so I don’t really care if it’s not convincing.

Anyway. You say you never claimed Kern made it up. Either you don’t believe he did, in which case his being a ‘pro-GamerGate shitburger’ and a ‘poisonously vile boss’ is entirely irrelevant, or you do believe he did, in which case questions about his character are at least arguably material. Which one is it?

So you’re saying a fraud protection response caused someone to Tweet about it?!

This is a truly big deal.

There’s no reason to believe Kern is lying about this. It’s just overzealous fraud protection. The fact that he is reportedly a monumental shithead really isn’t pertinent.

“Trivially easy” is not the same as “legal to publicize”. Either way I was just really shocked when I realized who was being held up as the latest EGS “victim” in the thread.

But as you point out, it doesn’t really matter to my argument.

My mistake. To answer your question to me, this thread is filled with people using every tiny scrap they can find to imply the EGS is incompetent, unfit or even a malicious business venture. There were like 40 posts about this thing that didn’t even happen to a poster here. It’s not remotely newsworthy, so the act of even bringing it up in this thread was intended to cast EGS in negative light.

Okay, that was pretty funny.

Oh so only newsworthy stuff in the thread is allowed? Who determines that? Is it a government agency? Tom?

I’ve never understand white-knighting of corporations, but this thread takes it to new levels.

Haha. Straw is indeed needed to make bricks!

I’ve never understood the anger and drama towards a storefront, and this thread takes it to new levels.

There were 40 posts because one Epic can’t do anything wrong poster decided that using the same credit card was somehow so outlandish that he decided everyone on QT3 was so rich that our experiences didn’t matter. And when that didn’t work, it was suddenly oh no, the person can’t possibly be believed, and when that didn’t work it was oh but this is a real verified person so he’s awful, don’t listen to him and when that didn’t work it’s oh well people just hate Epic, and when that didn’t work it’s I can’t believe we spent 40 posts watching people spin this stupid fraud set-up as if it isn’t 2019 and almost every other storefront manages to avoid this problem…


Option B. The next time Epic’s store mechanic seems inadequate, just admit that if they think it’s unrealistic to have one credit card on multiple accounts, that’s just stupid. It’s not aligned with the rest of the modern world, no matter how rich or poor or how much someone is disliked or whether you think the third moon on the second sun of the solstice allows for even the most minor of criticism.

You don’t understand people not liking something that doesn’t work well and manipulating the marketplace?

Cause EGS is… crap. It’s just not good. You can make a better storefront with various free online website. They’ll even have a shopping cart. Meanwhile Epic has billions of dollars and can’t be bothered to even rise to the level of say UPlay. I mean random people can register accounts with your email address and it’s gone forever. No verification needed! Cool stuff.

Buying exclusivity adds on top of it and is what made everyone pissed at them in the first place.
But, no they’re perfect and can do no wrong and if anyone says otherwise it’s time for personal insults!

I mean we have people trying to imply everyone is filthy rich for having more than one PC. Or fucking children. Also no one can dislike a bad product, they must have some sneaky dastardly motive.

Guys, chill out. We are only talking about games.

Tell me what “area man flummoxed by routine consumer interaction” stories add to this thread. Should we report in this thread every time someone forgets their EGS password, too? Of course, it’s harder to spin that in a manner that disparages Epic, so I see why that doesn’t happen already.

I understand the anti-exclusivity. I don’t understand how some people spend so much time and energy bashing the EGStore. Those that like it will use and it and those that don’t, won’t. Paragraphs lamenting features and complaining is silly, especially when it’s something like a shopping cart, as those complaining aren’t even trying to purchase multiple games at once.

That isn’t a routine consumer interaction. Like… not even remotely. People buy multiple things for the same address all the time. Hell, my mother buys shit for people in Florida, Iowa and Connecticut all using one account and one credit card. And those include multiple places in FL and CT. I think she might buy stuff for like 8-10 different people with one credit card. Yet somehow, Amazon doesn’t assume she stole her own credit card. Weird.

Yes, and you have no agenda so we should view you as the impartial arbiter of all things.

You want to police what evidence people submit about EGS. Why? Hell if I know, maybe you own stock or something. But what people decide to talk about isn’t your right to dictate. It’s Tom’s if anything. It’s not like they’re talking about something other than EGS. We’re not Epic employees, we can say whatever we want. I guess since the “I don’t see how this is a problem for anyone” dropped like a rock, now it’s time to police what we can and can’t say for “relevance” as determined by people who think EGS is the most perfect thing ever created?

I’d like option C, please.

Because it’s not a good store.

No, people are forced to use it because of the exclusivity part. That’s why Epic needed to bring their A game and they managed at best a C- (I’d say a D, they’re really not trying). They’re coming for the King, but they can’t be bothered to actually try? That gets you shit. People don’t like Steam for a variety of reasons, but you have to pretend to try.

Except for those that did and had it registered as a fraud?

It’s like saying you’re going to replace Apple only… your phone doesn’t have Apps. And sometimes it doesn’t work as a phone. Also there is no time or date. Or anything really. It’s a phone that usually works as long as you only text. But we’re coming for you Apple! No. People would rightly laugh them out of the marketplace.

Epic bought their way into the marketplace, but can’t be bothered to do anything with it. Said buying-in pissed off the marketplace, so they really needed to do it right. Instead they don’t seem to care. People on Etsy try harder and they’re busy making custom shit in their basement, but somehow still have a better shopping experience than Epic.

Quite the exaggeration! Nobody is forced to do anything here.

This is so disingenuous that I can’t respond without getting a message from a mod.
Take your shilling elsewhere. I’m never interacting with you again, have fun with… whatever this is.

Yeah, it’s pretty amazing how people will go to bat for multi-billion dollar corporations. I’m cool with it since it keeps the thread interesting though.