Epic Games Store - 88% split goes to devs

Is Epic a drag on sales.

That would probably work out as well.

For AAA games I think we already have the answer: no. People will go where the exclusives are.

And it will be interesting to see how many people pick it up on Steam later anyhow.

And I don’t think ‘hugely anticipated game sells well’ was ever in dispute. The question was how games without a built in audience and guaranteed success would fare.

This statement is totally bogus. Epic is NEVER going to carry all the games that Steam does. It only has a chance of being true for games that Epic allows on their storefront, but for the vast majority of games, Steam has no incentive to change their pricing.

Very impressive offering by Epic for people who do not have those games yet and are interested in them.

Unfortunately for me, whoever is picking the games to give out probably has access to my steam account and brain, because they consistently either pick games I already own, or am not interested in :)

We already had some solid data points on that. Why is it still an open question?

The interesting thing with the BL3 statement was that this was the first time we got any kind of concrete number for a AAA game on Epic. Previously it had just been either bad comparisons (Metro) or content-free platitudes (“we’re very happy with the performance”).

It couldn’t just be that you’re automatically buying every game you’re interested in, right? :-P

Nonsense! But yeah that’s mostly it. But there are some games on my wishlist I haven’t bought yet, like The Council, Walking Dead S3 and some such.
That said even if they did give out games I wanted, I want to wait for the EGS to at least have a god damn playtime tracking before I use it.

Playtime tracking has been implemented!

Well that is good news. I guess it was added with the list view in this latest update that installed today?

Slightly before. The EGStore has more consumer friendly features coming (including some things that don’t exist anywhere else), stay tuned!

Lunarstorm, I’m not sure if you’re able (or willing) to say, but do you work on the store yourself or are you on a different team at Epic?

I’m willing but I’ve received insults here and death threats elsewhere, so I probably shouldn’t… :(

Yikes. Well, no worries, it was just curiosity more than anything. And I know how hard software development is, so if I knew it was “your baby” I’d make extra effort to moderate my tone when I have stuff to gripe about (although I thought I was pretty reserved when Borderlands 3 ate my cloud save! :)).

I’m so sorry… Seriously, this is borderline unforgivable and I wish it never happened to anyone, ever.

I’m hoping to eventually say more about who I am, but professional hesitations aside, my family has expressed concerns with a potential backlash. For now I will simply say I am a part of the engineering leadership team working a dream job who happens to frequent this board.

I would hate to think that a real concern on this board. I think the forum member who works on the Microsoft Store software is still mostly ok. ;)

Not so much from forum members, but from someone using Google or such to malicious efforts. I have had to clear my office due to a bomb threat, to give an example of how concerns are somewhat valid.

Shit happens, no worries!! It thankfully happened pretty early so I only lost 2-3 hours or something. The game is fun enough so I didn’t mind that, other than having to sit through their 8 minutes of unskippable intro again and that crime is solely on Gearbox. :)

Really sorry to hear about the threats and crap, that’s so absurdly stupid and disturbing. Don’t blame you one bit for keeping things a little close to the vest, I would be doing the very same.

Nice bunch of Batman games for this week’s giveaway.