Epic Games Store - 88% split goes to devs

While its functionality isn’t going to win any awards, I don’t ever recall having performance issues with it. Have you always had the performance issues or is it a recent thing?

Apologies for the non-technical description but the Epic app keeps switching my screen back to it; I looked for a setting to stop this happening but couldn’t see anything. It’s quite annoying.

Any suggestions to fix this? TIA.

Can you clarify? Is the app not minimizing while playing an Epic game?

No if I alt tab out of the Epic app back to say Edge, then periodically my screen switches back to the Epic app, like I’ve alt-tabbed back to it.

Haven’t run into that particular issue and I don’t think there’s any intent for it and therefore no Epic setting. Windows does have an “always on top” feature buried in it, but then it should ALWAYS be on top. I hate to say it, but I wonder if there’s a stuck key or something.

Thanks very much for responding.

It’s annoying but it just means I browse and then close the app if I’m not playing a game, which is probably a reasonable thing to do anyway. So hardly the end of the world.

Maybe it’s the desktop notifications? This reminded me to turn those off myself since I find those almost completely redundant since I’ve almost always already claimed the free games or heard about sales elsewhere.

OK thanks. I have disabled that so we’ll see what happens.

Edit: Nope, that didn’t do it.

Yep. Epic Store performs very poorly here, just as described earlier.Often 10s of seconds just to display a game page & like swimming through molasses. Guessing some (maybe nearly all) is network latency against under-provisioned servers.

It was better before. I guess as the amount of games owned has increased (two per week) things have gotten worse.

Oh I doubt it’s network latency, their servers are just garbage. Even in a browser the site fails to load half the time, I need to do a full refresh.

Just tested it now and sure enough, page didn’t load properly. The structure was there but no images. Refreshed and it was fine.

Surprised the Epic Defense Force hasn’t shown up to defend Epic like they did earlier in this thread.

Calm down. Epic is fine, it’s a game store I open primarily to click a “give me free shit” button.

Once in a while I even play the free games! Not often, but sometimes.

At least they got that part right. I just install the games and launch them from desktop shortcuts or through the Playnite launcher. No need to load up Epic’s slow ass app.

I’d be fine with it if it just had the manners to stay on the library page until I choose to go look at the store, like every other launcher does. But every time I exit a game it reloads the launcher onto the store page, with a rotating carousel of ads.

I am happy for steam to have competition and developers and publishers to have an alternative place to publish games.

It just hasn’t even come close to how useful steam is.

One annoying thing, that seems to have fixed itself recently, is that it is no longer asking me to login literally every time I open the app from the background.

Anyway, I got some cool free games, so I am not too mad. Though, now the real issue with the Epic Game Store is that I have a steam deck, and if I am choosing a store to buy from, Steam gets the first choice, just so I can have cross saves possible.

I have seen a few comments over the past year on Twitter and Reddit saying that sales for non-exclusive games are pretty low. It’s great they take a lower cut and all, but they don’t seem to be making a place where people want to buy their games.

I mean, an alternative is an alternative. If Epic doesn’t want to cultivate their store and platform, that is on them.
