Equifax breached ... 140 million accounts. The worse breach in history.

What did you supply as proof?

Just my name, address, and the last 6 digits of my social security number.

Ah. I thought they wanted proof of loss such as legal fees or such.

No, that’s only required if you want to get over $125.

They only ask for documentation if you are claiming that you spent more than 10 hours dealing with it, or that you had real financial losses resulting from identity theft.

You can claim $125 base amount + $250 for 10 hours dealing with it, and no documentation is needed.

Okay. Thanks for the info.

Just filed my claim, $125 is pretty nice.

I went with credit monitoring instead of the $125. This hopefully costs Equifax more than the straight $125. The fuckers.

Did you guys not claim the extra $250? I know I’ve spent at least 10 hours freezing/unfreezing credit, monitoring credit reports, checking statements for unauthorized charges, etc. in the last couple of years.

I did the $125, largely just to avoid needing to provide documentation. Like @Thraeg, I’ve probably spent the 10 hours, but I can’t really prove it.

And I’m not doing the credit monitoring, I already have that. From another breach. sigh The monitoring is likely cheaper for them anyway, bulk discount.

So the wife and I are both eligible for the $125. Thanks for the help guys.

Highly unlikely. Credit monitoring is dirt cheap for companies that have bulk relationships, and you can likely already get some for free or close to it, either from a bank or other organization you’re a member of, or by claiming it from one of the other data breaches that seem to happen every month or so.

And remember that credit freezes are stronger protection than monitoring, anyway.

There’s no documentation for claims of up to 10 hours. Just a little text box to write how you spent the time.

Better the money be in your hands than Equifax or some lawyers.

Well crud, I read that wrong then. Hopefully someone else learns from my mistake and gets their extra money.

Apparently I wasn’t part of the hack, so can’t claim anything. I’m skeptical.

I did a credit report just now, and everything is in the clear. So, now I have to figure out if I already have credit monitoring, so that I can claim the 125.00. And after that, I’m going to freeze my account.

Thanks for the heads up. I was affected and filed for the $125 + $250. The wife and kid are both in the clear.

I actually froze my credit before the Equifax breach came to light. Don’t know if I have any kind of credit monitoring going. That’s a requirement, I gather (assuming I’m affected)?

A “requirement.”

It’s unlikely they’ll require documentation en masse and just want to get this behind them.

Yep, sign up for your $125. They deserve to pay it.

That money is capped. The more people sign up, the less you will get, after a point. I will do my part to get you guys more by not bothering.