Essential Oils And Other Holistic Bullshit

Is there a way to read this without subscribing. I really want to know what they have to say about him and this company.

The first episode about Essential Oils

As a scientist I found the show pretty disappointing. The people who represented science were either not good, or interviews were cut so they couldn’t properly make their point. It felt like a bunch of strawmen to knock down, and they get the minority time.

Weird, because you’d think it doesn’t take very long to say “there is absolutely no evidence that this works.”

Instead: “There’s a study that sounds like it proves their point, but I think it’s wrong, but I will not tell you why it’s wrong”

Example: Refutation that lavender oil helps with anxiety. The scientist mentions this paper, but doesn’t say why the study could be flawed. I’m not sure off the top of my head from a casual reading why it might be flawed, increasing my prior that perhaps those oil people are onto something? If that’s refutation, it’s really poorly done.

The “science” person they got to counter the “starvation is good” episode is someone that who is an advocate for “Intuitive Eating”, which just sounds like a different pile of bullshit.

You know what essential oil does work well? Orange oil. As a cleaner. It’ll clean the shit out of a motherfucker. And I suspect it’s the main action in Pledge furniture restorer as well, and Goo Gone too. And if you spray it on bugs they all die.

I was curious about Goo Gone, it’s 60-100% Petroleum distillates, ~1% orange extract. 1-5% d-limonene

Many years ago, someone (a guy that owned a clothing store in a tiny town) gave me a sample cloth with something that smelled like citrus of some kind. He said if I liked it, I could buy some more.

It was wrapped in plastic, so I just hung onto it for a year or so. Then one day I wasn’t having much luck in cleaning my stove top. I tried several products that were specifically made for that, but it was back-breaking work.

I remembered that cloth, found it, opened the wrapper, and holy shit, it basically just wiped everything clean on the first try. I think it was called “The Miracle Cloth” or something like that, and it lived up to the name.

So next time I was in that tiny town, I tried going back to that store, but he had retired and closed shop.

I never have found anything that worked that well since.
Maybe that’s what it was; orange oil? I wonder if cloths like that are still made.

I never did try it for that particular use however, although it would probably work.

There you go — all the orange oil cleaners on Amazon tout d-limonene as the killer ingredient.

Is this it?

Oh wow. That looks a lot like it.
I don’t remember the Coconut Oil being advertised on the wrapper though, but it was years ago, so it could have been. I remember it having a lemon or citrus smell.

I may need to try it out. Thanks!

Polishing abrasives (like Mr Clean Erasers) seem useful for little scuff marks on a paint wall or something, I would not use it on an electrical glass stovetop thought! Anyway I bought some packs from, like a fraction of the price from Amazon. I would not recommend now unless you’re willing to wait 2 months thought lol. You can also do ebay or whatever you prefer maybe.

The best cleaning thing I’ve ever bought is my rotating grinder lol. Get rid of all that caked in carbon from the bottom of pans. Vrooooom.

Enquiring minds want to know more. The outside of a few of my pans are nasty (the insides are good) The closest thing I’ve found searching is a dremel versa, or brushes to attach to your power drill directly.

Norwex is the “no toxic chemicals” overpriced cloth and cleaning supplies pyramid scheme if that’s what the guy sold you.

Sorry it’s called an orbit sander. This is a cheap model but it’s good enough. The grinding papers have velcro backing so they stick to the sander’s rubber circle. I bought it to resurface a wood table. I’ve used it to strip old paint from metal railings and the pans twice.

As for pans if you have a normal electrical I’m not sure if the little concentric circles matter, but if you use a weak grinding thing I doubt the circles get hit. I have induction now so I don’t care. Besides, the carbon in there is worse. There’s only so much work Ajax + steel wool by hand can do.

I got a set of those power drill brushes. For me they don’t seem to matter as much as what cleaner I use. I dig:

Simple Green
Seventh Generation Multi-Surface Cleaner, which is made from a highly acidic extract of lemongrass — don’t use on granite
Soft Scrub

because I hate fumes of any kind. If I didn’t hate fumes I would also recommend Kaboom! cleaner.

Bar Keeper’s Friend works well in my experience, although it does require some elbow grease, so might work along with a powered-brush.

My research here lead me to brush attachments for a power drill, and using either barkeeper’s friend (which I’ve used by hand, it’s a slog) or baking soda.

These look like “fun”, I’m gonna get some:

Let us know how it goes, possibly in the Kitchen Gadgets thread!

Dumb brainwashed EO users ingest them: