Euro Truck Simulator 2: Slow Ride

Core gamers are hanging out here, that’s what. Welcome.

No one on this forum sells a game to me better than flyinj. He has the key to my wallet. This is going to be very hard to resist. Thanks for the heads up! I’ll try the demo soon.

I just want to add that this is a very well-done demo. I’m not feeling constrained at all. This almost feels like I’m playing the full version. I’ve played for several hours total, and I am constantly having to remind myself that it’s only a demo.

-sigh- I can feel myself caving. I know I said earlier that $40 is too much for me, but I’m finding myself wanting to explore all it has to offer.

One question for those who have already bought it: Does it have some kind of online activation, or do they just send you a key code to enter in? If it’s the latter, I’m in.

Key code. Enter and continue to Level 4.

Thank you.

Euro Truck Simulator 2 is now ‘core gaming’? I had no idea.

What’s next? Disney Princesses Fashion Pony Farm Simulator?

He was being sarcastic.

Also, very original equating anyone who might be into playing around in an open world truck simulation to people who want to play with princesses riding ponies.

I made a joke, too…

If you read on the first page, I said that “I understand you”. Geez

Ok, sorry. I get testy when people use the tired “Barbie Horse” trope to put down any game they don’t personally want to play.

I, too, missed that it was you who posted that, hence my lame sarcasm. :)

Anyway, my purchase is complete. I decided to try and see if I could take my truck off-road, like I could do in one of their earlier 18 Wheels Of Steel games. In that game, you could go cross-country as far as the terrain would let you, and after driving a few miles across no-man’s land in New Mexico, I found a crashed flying saucer out in the boonies near Roswell. I thought that was really cool, not to mention amusing.

Unfortunately, it doesn’t appear that this game allows it (though I’ve only tried once). I ran into an invisible wall after I’d crossed a ditch, so it does allow a little leeway.

As I tried to get my rig back onto the road, my driving wheels lifted a few inches off the ground due to a bit of a dip in the terrain, and my momentum wasn’t sufficient to carry the driving wheels past that dip, so I couldn’t move. A quick look outside showed my wheels on both sides spinning uselessly. Neither forward nor reverse helped. Here’s where I wished I could get out of the truck and place a few rocks under the wheels. The sim’s physics are such that I know this would have done the trick. That not being possible, I was simply hopelessly stuck, and yet I thought it was cool that the physics allowed this to happen.

The game does allow you to save anywhere though, and I’d recently saved, so it wasn’t too much of a setback. The game also autosaves on exit.

You can also call a tow truck from your GPS.

IF this comes down to $10-15, I’m totally getting it, for serious.

looks interesting , but I think I’ll go with the farming sim this year, potatoes to farm!

Thank you. Guess I should have familiarized myself with some of this stuff before I just dove in.

I was driving down the M35, doing well, when suddenly I woke up to the horrible sound of metal on metal. I was up against the left guardrail. Worse yet, I had missed my exit and there was nowhere to turn around. Turns out the M35 has long distances between exits. I briefly considered a tight U-turn followed by driving the wrong way down the lane to get back to my exit, but traffic was extremely heavy. I could also have reloaded a savegame, but in the spirit of continuing my adventure unabated, I opted to forge ahead to the next exit. I somehow finished my trip with an “Excellent” rating in spite of all that (though I did get severely docked in bonus pay).

Falling asleep at the wheel in this sim is just as frightening as it is in real life. I about jumped out of my chair.

Hahahaha, wow, nice.

It’s currently on Greenlight if you feel like giving it a nudge:

A few years back there was a game called Hard Truck: Apocalypse that tried to do that. It had a cool premise, but the reviews weren’t so hot.

The distances seem abstracted, but I don’t mind that at all. Apparently it’ll take 3 real hours to drive from one end to the other, I think I read.

vast distances to drive to explore the whole map - the farthest points in the world are three hours of real time apart when driving at full speed

And yeah, how awesome would a Bandit game be?

So how nice are the cities in this game? I really enjoyed latest cobra 11 game Crash Time 4 because it had really nicely recreated Koln (if I recall correctly) and I love driving around european cities. I might just get this after reading such a positive thread. I had no idea my fellow citizens created game like this.