EVE Online's economic changes may cost its scum and villainy

EVE Online, the world’s largest economic experiment disguised as a space opera MMO, is changing the way its currency works...

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at http://www.quartertothree.com/fp/2017/03/23/eve-onlines-economic-changes-may-cost-scum-villainy/

“Safe Safes coming to Spaces”

Sad to see EVE Getting the Carebear treatment that ruined UO.

Let’s be honest here. Eve is primarily a super toxic game for people that are super no life obsessed with it. It is also an old game and one of the most spreadsheet games i’ve ever played. It is never going to appeal to mainstream audiences no matter what they do.

I understand why UO took the steps they did as they had a chance to grow by slightly alienating a very small amount of their playerbase. The same is not true with eve. Maybe they could have changed it if they did this five years ago, but not now. It seems like they are alienating their core, super loyal player base for potential gains that are non existent.

Yeah. This isn’t going to bring in any new blood. The people that want to play EVE are playing EVE. It won’t stop anyone from leaving either. Weird kind of move. The best way to do it is to just not do it.