EVE: Valkyrie

Thought this deserved its own thread as it’s not really EVE but in the same universe:[URL=“EVE: Valkyrie announced! | EVE Online”]

The game itself was hugely impressive even in tech demo format at Fanfest, putting you into the cockpit of a nimble fighter craft with full freedom of movement and vision thanks to Oculus Rift, but now that it’s been greenlit for full production it will have the resources behind it to look truly stunning.

Last time I played it, EVE Valkyrie was a multiplayer-only dogfighter, but when I asked CCP whether there would be a single-player story component in the full game the answer was an ambiguous “we’re not ready to talk about that yet”. With all that EVE history and lore to draw from, it’s tempting to believe that a single-player campaign is part of the plan for the game.

So: multiplayer (at least) space sim in the EVE universe, coming 2014. Anybody else excited?

Excited but hesitant.

So I’m guessing they’ll be using EVE history to make a single player campaign if they do so? Change history and all that.

Curious to see where this goes.

I was going to say “Brian are you ok? Post if you are ok” but he was too fast :P

That’s what she said?

Sweet. Cant wait to see this happen.

That’s what she said?

Sweet. Cant wait to see this happen.


Looking forward to this.
Currently I’m thinking this might even run better than dust minus the fact that you still have to buy the oculus rift.

So…is this the new Tie-Fighter game? I mean, from the trailer I can’t see much, but it does seem like it, doesn’t it?

Oculus don’t have yet consumer editions for sale. No? the current version is the developers edition, is low res and because of that have some screendoor effect.
So this game should wait for the actual hardware to be available.
It looks nice, and could be the first AAA-ish game for the Oculus. And EVE is about the only good sci-fi setting in gaming. So soo far, soo good. Except I still think using bullets in space is dumb.

Don’t you even fucking dare…

Well, its a space-dog figthing game where small figthers have shields with a singlee player campaign and multiplayer - It can’t get any closer than that without being Star Wars, can it?

Edit: Not Space-dog fighting game, but space dog-fighting game :-D

Space-dog fighting game would be also cool!

By that crazy-ass logic, you could also call it the next Freespace or Wing Commander or Tachyon or…

Yeah guys stop it, besides, Tie Fighter was such a POS game that we should be happy no one is doing a new one, right Brian? =P

See you in next life

(60 fps trailer)


I did not expect Valkyrie to look that great, love the scale of the ships.

Wow…that looks incredible. I have always loved the design of the ships in EVE, just found the gameplay to be too disengaged, this might just suck me in.