Everything (the game)

So I’m gonna ask what everyone wants to know: can your island have sex with another island? Y’know making little islets?

Dream a little bigger, darling: cosmic intergalactic rutting.

The Big Bang?

That’s what I was thinking too. When the video ended, I thought, “Whew! Well, I won’t have to play that now!”

I see what it’s going for, but it’s a bit twee for my taste.

The only part where I feel like maybe I haven’t seen everything yet is at the end, where you have all kinds of things floating in space together. I’m not sure how that fits in with everything else. Like all different kinds of plants floating in space, different animals floating in space, along with different galaxies floating in space.


Yeah, I can’t deny I had that feeling too.

I hope they got permission to use the narration. Wouldn’t want some cranky lawyers stopping this art game from flourishing.

Well I got a mac review copy. Possibly I am breaking some embargo or other but this is a fantastic game. I mean, breathtakingly great. It manages to sustain for hours the magic you see in the video (if you saw magic there, if you didn’t, do not bother with the game).

Damn this is good.

So what exactly does the game play consist of?

Pretty much what you see in the video. Inhabit things, go up and down in scale. Follow the text & narration (or not) unlock new abilities like scale or flocking.

Thats it.

Whats magic is when you somehow end up as a flock of buildings which then transform into penguins in a city and add to your pack a miniature dog while a factory smoke stack tells you she loves her freedom and Alan Watts talks to you about perspective.

The above did happen to me in the game. If that SOUNDS vaguely magical then this is for you. If that sounds pretty stupid and shallow then pass.

Oh and as witty review headlines are a thing

Drop everything and go play Everything. Ha har!!!

Ok maybe I shouldn’t do this review lark. But I really do love this game.

For those that like that sort of thing, this is the sort of Everything they would like?

Yes. Very much so. :)

I played this for 45 min with my kids and wife last night. We all loved it. I’ve never before played a game with the girls (ages 6 and 4) where they were laughing and giggling the whole time. They had a blast rolling around as cows, turning into clumps of dirt and grass, singing to other things in the environment, etc…

For my part, it made me realize how much I miss “discovery” in most modern games. The sense of just exploring, seeing what happens next, etc… it works well for me in Everything. I’m with @Rod_Humble here – there’s something strange and magic about this “game,” if that’s what you can call it. I love it.

We’d have used that headline in a hot minute at Yahoo Games.

What you say sounds intriguing, but… somersaulting bears!!!

@gordon Excellent :)

@clay when you hit the “hell” level and get stuck you need to descend into the lost planet.. It is the only misstep in the entire game and I want to save you the hassle. A puzzle has no business in this beautiful experience. :)

Awesome. Thanks for the tip!

This early-access game called Hound looks similar in some ways. Anyone tried it?


So I should spend the $7.49 on this? (Steam winter sale)

I swear, I think the animal animations were the biggest mistake here. That was an immediate turnoff, but the rest of the scope sound interesting. From my Steam friends list, it looks like a dozen or so of y’all have this. Anyone else besides Rod like it? :)

The game is really special and unique. I find the animal animations incredibly freaking entertaining. They are also a necessity of development for a game with that many player-controllable models. Some animals, like insects, do a more realistic movement animation.

Anyway, the game is more of a sandbox than a game. Do you enjoy the lecture snippets that are in the trailer? I think finding these is the main “carrot” of the game, so if you find them boring or annoying then definitely don’t get the game.